
#959 List organisation



Sorry about this, last one I hope.

As mentioned before, the views cannow be seen with
either icon or list, but the organisation of them does
appear to work. It makes no difference which item I
select, the order shown still looks random.

When you select the different methods, what is it
looking at ? The name of the zone, the name of the file ?

The zones, I have are basically all reverse zones, so
they are listed as

zone ""

but the file is listed as:

file "/etc/named/1.2.3.rev"

so how does it determine the order to show them in, or
is this purely applied to what is inside the records, not
the record names themselves ?

If it is the former of those two, would it be possible to do
a sort to show the record names if alpha/numeric order ?

Again, sorry to keep on adding to your list,



  • Jamie Cameron

    Jamie Cameron - 2003-01-31

    Logged In: YES

    Zones on the module's main page are always sorted by their
    displayed name,
    so will come before .
    Records within a zone are sorted according to the 'Order to
    display records in' field on the Module Config page ..

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO


    In that case it doesn't appear to work within the view. Most of
    our records are 62.232.x.x and 195.70.x, but they are not
    listed in that order they are all over the place. It is sorted
    down or across the page ? Going downwards, for example I
    have 195.70.77, 62.232.240, 195.70.73, then .76,
    then .74, .87, .78, .79, .95, .80, which as you can immagine
    makes hunting down the records a nightmare.

    It is possible to agian add another section which will allow the
    order in which the top level zones are displayed ?



  • Jamie Cameron

    Jamie Cameron - 2003-01-31

    Logged In: YES

    Ah, so these are zones that are not being sorted, not records ..
    Would it be possible for you to attach your named.conf file
    to this bug report (or email it to me at so I can test this out, because sorting
    should be done ..

  • Jamie Cameron

    Jamie Cameron - 2003-01-31

    Logged In: YES

    Thanks for the file .. I see the cause of this problem now,
    and it will be fixed in the webmin 1.060 release (due out in
    a couple of days).

  • Jamie Cameron

    Jamie Cameron - 2003-01-31
    • status: open --> closed
  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    Thanks Jamie.


  • Richard Whelan

    Richard Whelan - 2003-02-06
    • status: closed --> open
  • Richard Whelan

    Richard Whelan - 2003-02-06

    Logged In: YES


    This is still not working perfectly. It's much better, but I still
    have addresses out of sync.

    Down the left hand column, it goes, 62.232.0, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
    8, 9 then jumps to 12,13,14,15 then 17, and so on. Down the
    right hand side 62.232.194, 208, 240, then it shows the 195
    addresses, after which there are another batch of 62.232
    addresses, filling in the gaps there we missing on the left
    hand side.



  • Jamie Cameron

    Jamie Cameron - 2003-02-06

    Logged In: YES

    Odd, but I have your zone file that you emailed me and I
    don't see that. Down the left-hand column it goes 62.232.0 ,
    1, 2 , etc .. all the way down to 91
    without a break. Has your named.conf file changed since you
    sent it to me?
    If so, could you send it again? The one I have has 177 zones ..

  • Richard Whelan

    Richard Whelan - 2003-02-06

    Logged In: YES


    The file hasn't been modified since the 28th. What you have
    said, though isn't right. The first zone you should see is the
    62.232, then 62.232.0 and so on, and then the 195
    addresses. I'm definately seeing the 195s in the middle of the

    What other settings do you have ? Perhaps it's something
    else I have here interferring ?



  • Jamie Cameron

    Jamie Cameron - 2003-02-06

    Logged In: YES

    Maybe you could email me a screen-shot at .. that way I can see what layout
    settings you have active. By the way, you are running Webmin
    1.060, right?

  • Jamie Cameron

    Jamie Cameron - 2003-02-12

    Logged In: YES

    Problem found, and will be fixed in 1.070.

  • Jamie Cameron

    Jamie Cameron - 2003-02-12
    • status: open --> closed

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