
#5591 Activated at Boot tab - empty table

Chris Guest

Rocky Linux 9.0
Webmin 2.000

Network Interfaces do not show up in the "Activated at Boot" tab. They are listed in the "Active Now" tab.

Rocky Linux 9.0 no longer uses /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ folder for interface config. This was moved in 9.0 to /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/. Maybe this has something to do with the problem.


  • Jamie Cameron

    Jamie Cameron - 2022-11-14

    Yeah, that would cause it. Looks like we'll need to update Webmin to better support network manager ..

    I will update this ticket with progress.

  • Neil Sharp

    Neil Sharp - 2023-01-23

    Any recent update? This would certainly be beneficial to many of us. All the RHEL derivatives seem to use NetworkManager with the new keyfile format now.

    As per the readme-ifcfg-rh.txt file, would a solution in Webmin be as simple as calling nmcli connection migrate after any changes are made?

  • Jamie Cameron

    Jamie Cameron - 2023-01-24

    No, this is still in progress ...

  • Neil Sharp

    Neil Sharp - 2023-02-13

    Just as a note to others facing the same issue: you can revert RHEL-based networking to ifcfg-<interface> scripts. You don't get the advantages of the new key files; but, it does work with the current release of Webmin 2.x.

  • Jamie Cameron

    Jamie Cameron - 2023-07-02

    FYI, support for NetworkManager has been implemented for inclusion in the next Webmin release.

  • Jamie Cameron

    Jamie Cameron - 2023-07-02
    • status: open --> closed-fixed

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