
#5455 Impossible to create a VirtualHost in Apache2


Hi there!

I am having problem creating virtualhost in Apache

If I create a Virtual Server Apache does not create the VirtualHost

The same problem occurs if I do it directly from the Apache Server creating a Virtual Host

These are all the modules activated in Apache: [image7]

The Virtual Servers created before work perfectly.

I do not know the problem, suddenly it has stopped working.

What would be the solution?

If you need more information, I can gladly provide it.

Thank you very much in advance!!,
All the best,

9 Attachments


  • Jamie Cameron

    Jamie Cameron - 2021-02-28

    Seems like Webmin is having trouble reading your Apache config file. Which Linux distribution are you running there?

  • José Miguel Acosta Martín

    Hello Jaime, very good,

    The distribution is Ubuntu 18.04

    And this is the configuration in Apache Module:

    Could it be a file permission issue?
    These are the permissions currently:

    Anything else that can help you can ask me

    I still can't get it to work, it seems that it happened when updating to Apache 2.4.29

    Thank you very much for your help.

  • Jamie Cameron

    Jamie Cameron - 2021-03-04

    Could you attach the Apache config as a text file attachment?

    • José Miguel Acosta Martín

      Yes, of course!, here you have it

  • José Miguel Acosta Martín

    I just saw a strange behavior, instead of adding the virtualhost inside the sites-available directory create a sites-available file and put it all inside

    That is, the new virtualhost is adding it to the system-available file instead of inside the directory as usual

  • José Miguel Acosta Martín

    I have already seen the error

    It seems that the Apache Module configuration has been changed in some way

    The configuration for File or directory to add virtual servers to was in: / etc / apache2 / sites-available
    [image 1]

    But actually the correct configuration in my case is / etc / apache2 / site-enabled

    For some reason this has been changed, I do not know if in any Apache2 update or perhaps restoring a copy of a Virtual Server

    Now if I can create virtualhost in Apache and it works correctly!

    Thank you very much for your help!

    If you need more information about this you can tell me

    All the best,

  • Jamie Cameron

    Jamie Cameron - 2021-03-06

    Usually, webmin will create new Apache configs in sites-available and then symlink to them from sites-enabled.


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