
#5055 Perl execution error after updating to 1.870

KF Camp

I've updated from 1.860 to 1.870 and only get perl execution errors. Webmin is non accessable

The error seen is:

Error - Perl execution failed

Can't locate / in @INC (you may need to install the ::authentic-init module) (@INC contains: /usr/local/etc/webmin-1.870/authentic-theme/lib /usr/local/etc/webmin-1.870 /usr/local/lib/perl5 /usr/local/share/perl5 /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/lib/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 . /usr/local/etc/webmin-1.870/ ..) at /usr/local/etc/webmin-1.870/authentic-theme/ line 18. Compilation failed in require at /usr/local/etc/webmin-1.870/authentic-theme/session_login.cgi line 10.

System is running Slackware 14.1


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  • OlegP

    OlegP - 2017-12-17

    Reverting Authentic theme files from 8.70 to 8.60 did the same white screen result.

  • Ilia Rostovtsev

    Ilia Rostovtsev - 2017-12-17

    Oleg, hi.

    Did you try reloading Webmin by running /etc/webmin/restart?

    You make sure that you also Ctrl+R the curernt page.

  • OlegP

    OlegP - 2017-12-17

    Sure, restarted after every step, also tried incognito in chrome, still nothing. The thing appeared after mysql server restart.

  • Ilia Rostovtsev

    Ilia Rostovtsev - 2017-12-17

    Okay, that is wierd. MySQL server should have nothing to do with what's happening.


    our $current_theme = "authentic-theme";

    and restarting Webmin fixes an issue?

    If not, did you try chaning the theme in Webmin Configration/Themes (or in Webmin/Change Language and Theme module?).

    If non of this works, can you set Gray Theme on setttings, make sure that it works. Then go to /usr/share/webmin and rename authentic-theme to authentic-theme2 and try setting it again using UI?

    What you got?

  • OlegP

    OlegP - 2017-12-17

    Changing our $current_theme = "authentic-theme"; removes Perl error but I get this white screen:

    Actually I cannot change anything with the interace, because those links arent working.
    What I did - first renamed authentic-theme to authentic-theme2, restarted webmin. At last I have the interface working and changed from Default Theme to Gray Theme.

    After changing theme in interface to Authentic (folder name is authentic-theme2) I have this error:

    Error - Perl execution failed
    Can't locate authentic-theme/ in @INC (you may need to install the authentic-theme::authentic-init module) (@INC contains: /usr/share/webmin/authentic-theme2/lib /usr/share/webmin /etc/perl /usr/local/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl/5.20.2 /usr/local/share/perl/5.20.2 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl5/5.20 /usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl/5.20 /usr/share/perl/5.20 /usr/local/lib/site_perl . /usr/share/webmin/ ..) at /usr/share/webmin/authentic-theme2/ line 20. Compilation failed in require at /usr/share/webmin/authentic-theme2/index.cgi line 10.

  • Ilia Rostovtsev

    Ilia Rostovtsev - 2017-12-17

    This is bizarre. $current_theme is not evaluated properly.

    Is adding

    our $current_theme = "authentic-theme2";

    gonna fix an issue?

  • OlegP

    OlegP - 2017-12-17

    Okay. This is really strange.

    Changed authentic-theme2 back to authentic-theme. The interface (Dark Theme) tells me - "switch to new HTML5 theme". Clicked okay and it changed to authentic with no errors.

  • Ilia Rostovtsev

    Ilia Rostovtsev - 2017-12-17

    Jamie, are these cache issues?

  • OlegP

    OlegP - 2017-12-17

    And $current_theme = "authentic-theme"; was in the file.

    Removed that line, restarted webmin, still working with no errors.

    Are there any log files where I can see what was that mistery?

  • OlegP

    OlegP - 2017-12-17

    I tried to remember what was the starting point of this.
    I got all of my websites unaccessible, chrome gives time out error (later in logs I found it was a search engine bot rolled over on one of the websites).
    Logined to webmin - cpu, memory were below 30%.
    Restarted apache and mysql in console - websites still unavailable, webmin gives that "Can't locate /" error.
    Rebooted server - websites are back, webmin still had the error.

    Anyway, thanks for help, Ilia! At least it is working now)

  • Ilia Rostovtsev

    Ilia Rostovtsev - 2017-12-17

    Errors are going to /var/webmin/miniserv.error by default.

    There is also /var/webmin/webmin.log.

  • OlegP

    OlegP - 2017-12-17

    Last 2 lines in webmin.log are apache and mysql restart. Yea, I did it with interface shell, after that interface went down.

  • Ilia Rostovtsev

    Ilia Rostovtsev - 2017-12-17

    I somehow also got this error on one of my debug machines. :/ .. trying to figure out.

  • Ilia Rostovtsev

    Ilia Rostovtsev - 2017-12-17

    @OlegP @KF Camp Did you use proxy when this error appeared?

    • KF Camp

      KF Camp - 2017-12-17


    • OlegP

      OlegP - 2017-12-17


  • Lios

    Lios - 2017-12-29

    I am also having this issue on CentOS 7. Also after upgrading to 1.870. Doesnt matter what browser I use. I upgraded webmin but did not restart it, and was fine. Until I restarted it with Systemd webmin stop; systemctl webmin start.


    Last edit: Lios 2017-12-29
  • Jorge Ferreira

    Jorge Ferreira - 2018-01-02

    Hi. Got this problem also, out of nowhere it started showing the error

    Anyone as a fix on this? It's a fresh install, didnt update Webmin or anything, just happened from nowhere.

    Error - Perl execution failed

    Can't locate / in @INC (you may need to install the ::authentic-init module) (@INC contains: /usr/share/webmin/authentic-theme/lib /usr/share/webmin /etc/perl /usr/local/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl/5.22.1 /usr/local/share/perl/5.22.1 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl5/5.22 /usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl/5.22 /usr/share/perl/5.22 /usr/local/lib/site_perl /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl-base . /usr/share/webmin/ ..) at /usr/share/webmin/authentic-theme/ line 18. Compilation failed in require at /usr/share/webmin/authentic-theme/index.cgi line 10.

  • Ilia Rostovtsev

    Ilia Rostovtsev - 2018-01-02


    Yes, one of my debug machines got it out of the blue as well. The source of the problem for me was, that something really broke, /etc/webmin/config and /etc/webmin/miniserv.conf. If you recover them from backup and restart Webmin, it should work.

    Please, store and share with us (Jamie or me), current files, mentioned above, so we could analize it.

  • Jorge Ferreira

    Jorge Ferreira - 2018-01-02

    Hi, sorry, i needed it to work so after reading the complete thread i saw i could remove and install again and it could work, so i did that and it's working (i also updated the theme).

    Well, i'm doing a backup and if it happens again i'll let you know more...

    Thanks for the reply.

  • Ilia Rostovtsev

    Ilia Rostovtsev - 2018-01-06

    Guys, anyone who expirienced it, could you share more details. Has it been fixed? What particullarly have you done if it was fixed?

  • Ilia Rostovtsev

    Ilia Rostovtsev - 2018-01-06

    Can't locate / in @INC (you may need to install the ::authentic-init module)

    I have fixed the theme side and it will not run into this error message, however, potentially the core of the issue is still there.

    WebminCore caches things heavely from what I can tell. The brakege happened out-of-the-blue for me on both Debian and RHEL. I have made things break on purpose and then reverted back to the working code, but WebminCore still didn't like it and returned an error.

    Removing temporary /etc/webmin resulted in error:

    Failed to open /etc/webmin//config for writing : No such file or directory

    @jcameron Notice that it's // - this is incorrect and could be the source of the issue when running things normally (with /etc/webmin in place).

    I also did complete deletion and reinstall Webmin on CentOS. After which nothing has been changed and same problem persists.

    In short the problem is:

    Webmin loads things, shows non-styled login page COMPLETELY ignoring I can easily reproduce this error with removing authentic-theme/config file OR by going to file and removing semicolon or any other char (breaking syntax). After reload you would see what we experience in this issue, when it's just stuck but all theme files are correct and there.

    The problem is, when files are there and things should go the right way, WebminCore still thinks it's broken.

    Jamie, could you fix it?

    Copy of:

  • Rich Painter

    Rich Painter - 2018-02-02

    I'm having the same problem but with a slight twist. when I install 1.870 and bring it up all is fine. When I change (using the GUI) the webmin Global Theme to Gray Framed Theme (gray-theme) I get a similar error:

    Can't locate gray-theme/ in @INC (@INC contains: /usr/libexec/webmin/authentic-theme/lib /usr/libexec/webmin /usr/local/lib64/perl5 /usr/local/share/perl5 /usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/lib64/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 . /usr/libexec/webmin/ ..) at /usr/libexec/webmin/authentic-theme/ line 18. Compilation failed in require at /usr/libexec/webmin/authentic-theme/index.cgi line 10.

    Also, I can reproduce this on both Centos 7 and Ubuntu 16.

    To work around this I have to edit /etc/webmin/config and change theme back to authentic-theme and restart webmin.


    Last edit: Rich Painter 2018-02-02
  • Ilia Rostovtsev

    Ilia Rostovtsev - 2018-02-02

    I just tried to reproduce it on CentOS Linux 7.4.1708 but theme change went just fine.

    It was probably fixed as I run Webmin 1.872 and Authentic Theme 19.09-beta4.

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