
#5037 Encoding problems on the read mail section object



I got a minor encoding problem on the read mail subject section (see attachment).
language is (arabic), i have try to change the encoding set from the browser (chrome) but i got always the same thing.

1 Attachments


  • Jamie Cameron

    Jamie Cameron - 2017-10-24

    Can you check which language and character set you have selected in Webmin? This is typically done at Webmin -> Webmin Configuration -> Language.

    If it's not using the UTF-8 character set, you can run into this kind of problem due to potentially having to display multiple mail subjects using different languages.

  • HD

    HD - 2017-10-24

    English US (EN.UTF-8)... But when i open the mail... all is ok... see attachment... i guess it's not a webmin configuration problem...

  • HD

    HD - 2017-10-24

    language used (see attachment)

  • Jamie Cameron

    Jamie Cameron - 2017-10-24

    Ok, that should work. Would it be possible for you to forward me an example email that's having this issue (with all headers) at ?

  • HD

    HD - 2017-10-25

    A mail was sent today, you will get 5037 as reference for the mail subject test... i also join a pdf file to see the issue with the encoded attachment name it put No filename...

    I put a test side attachment... green for ok... red for the observed enconding problem (subject and attachment name... ).

    Thank you again for you great work.
    Best regards


    Last edit: HD 2017-10-25

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