
#4461 Problem with mailing list and mail queue in the version 1.700 and 1.701

Vincent GA

The list_mail.cgi process is consumed all CPU and RAM when trying to view a mailbox to 11MB, or when trying to view from the mail queue an e-mail that is greater or equal to 11 MB, I have to kill the process or the server becomes unusable.


  • Jamie Cameron

    Jamie Cameron - 2014-08-25

    Are you using Sendmail, Postfix or Qmail there?

  • Vincent GA

    Vincent GA - 2014-08-26

    Thanks for answering

    Sendmail 8.14.4-8, spamassassin 3.3.1-3, clamav 0.98.4-1 in CentOS 6.5

    Good day!

  • Jamie Cameron

    Jamie Cameron - 2014-08-26

    Does this large email have an attachment? I recently found a bug in which decoding attachments was un-necessarily slow in Webmin.

  • Vincent GA

    Vincent GA - 2014-08-26

    Yes do have an file attachment, is slow and CPU y RAM rise.

    When I try to open the email it takes, and sometimes does not open, then I happened to see the ongoing processes and the CPU is at 99%. I have to kill the process view_mailq.cgi this happens in the mail queue

    When I try to read mail from a user happen the same but with list_mail.cgi

    Thank you

  • Jamie Cameron

    Jamie Cameron - 2014-08-27
    • status: open --> closed-fixed
  • Jamie Cameron

    Jamie Cameron - 2014-08-27

    Ok, this is a known issue which will be fixed in the next Webmin release.

  • Vincent GA

    Vincent GA - 2014-08-27

    Ok, sorry and thanks


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