
#4379 Confusing interface while selecting features to restore


I tried to restore one of my users' home directories from the daily backup (created by Virtualmin) and in the features to restore, I left everything unchecked except for "Server's home directory and web pages" because that is all I wanted to restore. However the restore process restored everything, including the user password, the MySQL databases, cron jobs, etc. Most things didn't matter to me, however I did not want to restore the MySQL database because it was outdated and I have effectively lost all changes made to it since the backup was made.

When going back to the restore page, I see what I did wrong (see attachment) and I also must have ignored the "Show what will be restored" page since I had only clicked on one checkbox and I was sure it was the one I wanted. I really feel that this should be done differently. The easiest thing would just be to get rid of the "Restore all features / Only those selected below .. " radio button completely and just make all the boxes checked by default. As it is now, it can (and did in my case) lead to data loss if you're trying to rush through it. This radio button adds absolutely nothing except confusion.

1 Attachments


  • Jamie Cameron

    Jamie Cameron - 2014-02-13

    Good point, the current UI is prone to mistakes like this. In the next release I will fix it by making the "Only those selected below" radio button get automatically checked when a feature box is checked.

  • Jamie Cameron

    Jamie Cameron - 2014-02-13
    • status: open --> closed-fixed
  • Mike Robinson

    Mike Robinson - 2014-02-13

    That was my first thought of how to fix it, but why not just eliminate the radio button all together? People can easily select "all" features by clicking the "Select all" link.


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