
#3921 Failed to initialize SSL connection


Unable to log on to Webmin either remote OR local.

repetitive entry in miniserv.error = Failed to initialize SSL connection

Ubuntu 11.04 Dektop with LAMP and OpenSSL


  • dawirick

    dawirick - 2011-05-20


  • dawirick

    dawirick - 2011-05-20


    this is an automated message.
    Please indicate the following details as some or all are missing.

    a) Used Webmin-, Usermin-, or Virtualmin-Version
    Please note that main Virtualmin support is done on and you may not receive an answer here.

    b) Detailed Version of Operating system

    c) Kernel Version

    d) If applicable the PERL-Version installed on your system.

    The most easiest way to report bugs is to use the Feedback-Module from within Webmin. Even if used locally only you should be able to send the bug-report to yourself and then forward it with all attachments to

    Sorry for any inconvinience ...

    cheers -f

    Translation Co-Ordinator

  • dawirick

    dawirick - 2011-05-20

    Webmin 1.550

  • Jamie Cameron

    Jamie Cameron - 2011-05-20

    Are you using an https:// URL when connecting to Webmin?

  • dawirick

    dawirick - 2011-05-20

    Kernel = 2.6.38-8-generic
    Perl = 5.10.1

  • dawirick

    dawirick - 2011-05-20

    Yes. Login attempt using https://URL

  • Jamie Cameron

    Jamie Cameron - 2011-05-20

    What error do you get in your browser?

  • dawirick

    dawirick - 2011-05-20

    Login Failed. Please try again.

    (both local and remote)

  • Jamie Cameron

    Jamie Cameron - 2011-05-20

    Ok, so this isn't really SSL related this .. the cause might be a problem validating your password.

    Try changing the root password for Webmin with a command like :

    /usr/share/webmin/ /etc/webmin root your-new-password

    then logging in as root with that password.

  • dawirick

    dawirick - 2011-05-23

    Yes. That worked.

    Any explanation as to WHY?

    I have NEVER had this issue before in probably three (3) plus years using Webmin through two (2) to three (3) Ubuntu releases.

  • Jamie Cameron

    Jamie Cameron - 2011-05-23

    When it was failing before, were you logging in as a user who has permissions to sudo to root (typically the user created during the Ubuntu install process) ?

  • dawirick

    dawirick - 2011-05-24

    Yes. Only have one (1) user profile on this computer.

  • Jamie Cameron

    Jamie Cameron - 2011-05-24

    If you login as that user and run "sudo -l -S" at the shell, what does it output?

  • dawirick

    dawirick - 2011-05-25

    sudo -l -S:

    Matching Defaults entries for root on this host:

    User root may run the following commands on this host:
    (ALL : ALL) ALL

  • Jamie Cameron

    Jamie Cameron - 2011-05-25

    Ok, I see the cause .. that sudo output is different to what Webmin expects.

    I will fix this in the next Webmin release (1.560)

  • Jamie Cameron

    Jamie Cameron - 2011-05-25
    • status: open --> closed-fixed
  • osrules

    osrules - 2012-07-03

    if I use "/usr/share/webmin/ /etc/webmin root your-new-password" can I be webmin root using a different password from system root?

  • Jamie Cameron

    Jamie Cameron - 2012-07-03

    Sure - if you use it will set the Webmin root to be independent from the system root password.

  • osrules

    osrules - 2012-07-03

    even if I am using PAM via Authen::PAM ?

  • osrules

    osrules - 2012-07-03

    I tested it and yes, even with PAM enabled. But how do I go back to keeping webmin root and linux root in sync?

  • Jamie Cameron

    Jamie Cameron - 2012-07-03

    If you can login to Webmin, go to Webmin -> Webmin Users -> root, and set the password to "Unix authentication".

    But first, make sure you upgrade to Webmin 1.590, which fixes the original bug.


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