
Web-GMUI P2P Web Frontend / News: Recent posts

Web-GMUI moves to P2P-GUI

The new "Web-GMUI" release is called P2P-GUI-0.2 and is available at

Posted by mwarning 2009-09-01

Web-GMUI goes P2P-GUI

Web-GMUI will be renamed to P2P-GUI soon.

This project rename is overdue because
of the new project focus since the new source base was introduced.

Development has already moved to
The move will be finished with the next release.

- mwarning

Posted by mwarning 2009-08-31

WebGMUI 0.1.3 released

A new update to fix a few problems.

On WIndows the download speed isn't stuck at 28KB/s anymore.
aMule 2.2.5 is now supported as well.
Please note that the Jay GUI is broken because of the new json rpc.


Posted by mwarning 2009-05-25

Following changes

The next changes that will probably come are:
- a sane json rpc interface
- gui improvements
- a QT based gui (volunteers?)
- support for aMule svn
- bugfixes ;-)

Posted by mwarning 2009-04-25

WebGMUI 0.1.2 released

The last release had some nasty bugs.
Those are fixed now.
An untested binary for MacOSX Leopard is also available.
Have fun.

- mwarning

Posted by mwarning 2009-04-24

aMule problems in latest release


the last release has a defunc aMule interface.
I have fixed that part.
But now a weird threading bug has appeared and I have to fix it before I can make a new release.
So it won't be this weekend (and there is laundry waiting as well).

- mwarning

Posted by mwarning 2009-04-19

WebGMUI 0.1.1 released

The internals changed a bit, the usual updates (Tango, Transmission gui) and many bugs were fixed.
Let's hope I introduced less bugs with all the internal changes. ;-)

A few random crashes were fixed and daemon support was added.
An Italian translation was provided by Niko "Tokka" Pistelli.


Posted by mwarning 2009-04-11

WebGMUI 0.1.0 released

This is a "more stable then before" - bugfix release.

Many bugs where smashed in various areas.
If something didn't work before, changes are good it does work this time.

Especially the problem with the reapearing login page should be solved by now.

Features like overall saved settings or a daemon mode aren't included (and not yet finished).

I haven't gotten around to create a mac binary,
but it will probably come soon.... read more

Posted by mwarning 2008-11-16

Some updates

Hi folks,

the 0.0.5 binaries for windows and x64 will be postphoned to the next release because it needs some more testing and I'm short of time.

The 0.0.5 release has some quirks that will be put out in the next release.

In the meantime, I will also improve the JSON parser and get things more solid.


Posted by mwarning 2008-10-07

web-gmui-0.0.5 released

Just about time!

This release includes more changes than the last three releases together.

Most of them cover internal changes / refactoring which is the reason for the huge delay.

So, what changed at the surface?
Transmission support!
It's not yet complete but at the edge of being usable.
Additionaly, I've integrated the Transmission web interface (called Clutch) into Web-GMUI. :-)

Previous guis were renamed.
The html gui is now called Plex, the previous JavaScript gui is now called Jay.
Plex also got a bunch of style improvements.
Jay didn't got much attention this time.... read more

Posted by mwarning 2008-09-23

MacOS and behind

Looks like I don't have access to any MacOS system
at the moment because of some ISP restrictions on the other side.

If you have a spare account on a MacOS
(i386 or ppc) system for a day or so,
please consider helping this project. :)

Since I'm already writing, the next release
will have at least improved aMule and rTorrent
support, overall GeoIP utilization and bugfixes
of course.

Posted by mwarning 2008-06-07

web-gmui-0.0.4 released

Just about time for an update. :)

The most important news are that the rTorrent crash is avoided now.

Access from outside is disabled by default now.
It can be enabled by setting the host mask on startup:
web-gmui -m ""

The chunk bar display is improved now and
is also displayed for aMule, too.
The display algorithm may need some
more tweaking, but it looks quite ok so far.

Also, there are many small fixes in this releases.... read more

Posted by mwarning 2008-05-29

Intel MacOS binary available for testing

After some hurdles I was able to get Web-GMUI
compiled on MacOSX.
Using a MacOS 10.4 PPC iMac to be exact.

I couldn't get a hold of a Intel Mac,
so this binary is completely untested.

Please let me know if it does or does not
work for you.

PPC binaries will be available after
some endian issues are resolved.

Posted by mwarning 2008-05-06

web-gmui-0.0.3 released

This is a bugfix release, well, almost.

There were some annoying bugs in 0.0.2,
since testing isn't my favorite and Web-GMUI
is no very small application. :P

Search for MLDonkey was broken and returned
random search results.

MLDonkey exposed connections with no data flow.
These are filtered out now.

Also, the maximum torrent file size and
packet size accepted by MLDonkey was increased.

One nice html gui improvement was also addded.
JavaScript selectors for tables.
They don't harm if you have JS disabled and
it will be possible to turn them off
in later releases,... read more

Posted by mwarning 2008-04-27

web-gmui-0.0.2 released


This release took quite some time due life. ;-)
A lot of bugs were fixed in the client interface
section, from memory hogs and not working commands.

Support for this client has been added.
Torrent start and download control along with
preview is supported. rTorrent needs to be
compiled with xmlrpc support.
See for details.

Platform issues
There were problems regarding Debian stable
(zlib and "Error: Culture not supported").
The zlib issue isn't quite resolved yet, but
it should work now (at least for me).
With some luck we have MacOS binaries soon.... read more

Posted by mwarning 2008-04-21

web-gmui-0.0.1 released

After the previous I thought it is time to go beta.
Reasons? - Many!

Web-GMUI got a lot of bugs fixed and a lot of main features this time:

I integrated some languages from the old php based
web-gmui and added a translation module for the
html gui for improving/adding translations using
the html gui. (Core->add Translator->Translator).

Thanks to Nietsnie from #d.tango, Tango got
OpenSSL bindings and Web-GMUI can now make use of them.
You can load a public.pem/private.pem file pair
or let Web-GMUI create a dummy one in memory.
(User Settings-> enable SSL)... read more

Posted by mwarning 2008-02-29

web-gmui-alpha6 released


This release hopefully marks the end of the beta phase.
Along many fixes there are also
noteable features like an extended search
and the remote preview support for MLDonkey.
The download view got a chunk view (for MLDonkey only atm.)
and also alternative filenames are displayed.

The JSON interface is now included in the
binaries (less hassle with the binaries),
but is disabled by default and can be
enabled using a command line start option (-j).
The webserver bug that prevents the use
of other browsers is also fixed now.... read more

Posted by mwarning 2008-01-28

web-gmui-alpha5 released

The new alpha5 release now supports
Windows, too. Only 32bit Windows XP was tested so far.

Also a new feature is the preview support
to download files out of the download queque
(for MLDonkey and aMule).
This feature only works if web-gmui runs on the
same host as it's client. You also have to set
the temp directory in the client settings panel.

Also a new feature is the rename support.
It still need some improvements:
- instant display of the new name
- show alternative file names... read more

Posted by mwarning 2008-01-01

Project description changed!

The new source base written in the D programming language has now taken the front row.
The old PHP source is obsolete, but is still accessible through SVN and in the download section. It's also not supported anymore.

The main aim for the project is a http gui for different p2p clients with support for multiple plattforms. It's also aims to be very flexible in behaviour and appearance.

Posted by mwarning 2007-11-28

new Web-GMUI preview

After quite a lot of time coding,
this alpha0 version is ready for a preview.

So, what is it?
A multi client web gui with support for MLdonkey,
aMule, giFT and Hydranode; now written in the D programming language ( and the Tango library (

It features a html only server side gui
as well as a client side JavaScript gui (using a json interface) provided over a build-in webserver.
Web-GMUI aims to be highly customizeable in appearance and features through themes, skins and modular design.
Due the use of the D programming language Web-GMUI compiles to fast binary code.... read more

Posted by mwarning 2007-11-05

New source code base in Repository

The new source code base written using the D programming language is in SVN trunk - finally.
The code is not yet release-ready,
but makes development more transparent
for those who like to help/participate.

The source may look like a mess at many places due heavy changes.

State of code base:
- mldonkey interface is useable
- amule and giFT interfaces are
half complete and not tested
- Hydranode support consists of
a bunch of code
- server side html gui does work
for basic tasks
- client side Javascript can display
downloads, servers, transfers, not much more
- Json interface may contain some minor bugs
- Authorization (http-auth basic) is disabled
does work but lacks proper integration into
the main code
- multi user features are not existent,
but support is under way... read more

Posted by mwarning 2007-09-05

A New Name?


the code becomes more and more complete
(see the thread in the previous news).
So it's time if we want to stick with the
name Web-GMUI or use another name.

Web-GMUI stands for Web-Graphical Multi User GUI
and is similar to the term Web-GUI.
It came out of the lack of other ideas.
So now it's time to choose another one or to stick to it.

Any idea is welcome! :)

Posted by mwarning 2007-08-15

State of the new code basis


the current Web-GMUI development line (0.2.8) is about to end because it has some inherent disadvantages:
- PHP (type problems, special purpose)
- relies on an external webserver)
- no common thread support
- it's hard to parse binary structures
- the code gets messy, painfull to debug
- telnet parsing is evil
- I have learned some PHP by now, time for something other ;)

So I wrote a new code basis:
- support for multiple p2p/donwload programs
- written entirely in C++ (using the boost libraries)
- includes a simple web-server (extremly simple atm.)
- multi-user features are not yet implemented (should be easy to add, though)... read more

Posted by mwarning 2007-01-18

Losing ownership bug fixed

EDIT: A user reported that the current solution doesn't fix the problem,I will try to check this again, when I can have more spare time..


there was a annoying bug for some releases now that causes the losing of the ownership data after MLDonkey was restarted.
A user pointed me to the source of the problem and how it might be fixed, so it is fix now. :)
It's in SVN now and needs some testing.

Anyway, in MLDonkey > 2.8.1 the telnet output was changed again. - It will be fixed in the next release.... read more

Posted by mwarning 2006-10-07

web-gmui-0.2.8s released


just an update to fix compatibility with MLDonkey 2.7.7
previous MLDonkey versions are not compatible.


Posted by mwarning 2006-08-05