
Web-GMUI P2P Web Frontend / News: Recent posts

Project state (update)


the C++ version keeps going forward.
It's based on a a very simple web server
and currently I can already see my downloads
in a browser. They are updated and sorted by Javascript/AJAX. :)
Static sites should also be no problem.
It's exciting how nice everything separates and what many possibilities it gives you.
There is still much to do before a first release (and move into SVN):
- thread savety
- finishing api-design for Browser <-> Server <-> Client communication
- better webserver (live time for sockets)
- login system
- finishing default gui... read more

Posted by mwarning 2006-08-05

web-gmui-0.2.8 released


it has been a long time since the last update.
This release features some compatibility updates
and also a new translation: Brazilian Portugese,
thanks go to Erico Mendonca.

As you know there is work in progress for an entire new version, but it is
still quite a lot of work to do.
Life first. :)

Moritz Warning

Posted by mwarning 2006-07-13

Project state


the whole project development slowed down
at the moment due private issues (aka life).

But the development is still running,
so there will be more updates and releases.
At time, the 0.2.7 shows more limits of telnet parsing interfaces, that's because web-gmui doesn't handle torrent files well.

Looking foreward,

Posted by mwarning 2006-02-15

file web-gmui-0.2.7s.tar.gz fixed

Due some mysterious effect the file was damaged.
I did not noted that until a user told me.
I'm quite sure I had tested the download..? :/

Anyway, the file is working now. :)

Posted by mwarning 2005-12-29

web-gmui-0.2.7 released

Hi everyone,

this release fix lots of issues with the
MLDonkey 2.7.0 version, but may break
things for older versions.
Now a big bug that happend when we deal
with lot's of files is closed.
Also fixed is a problem when two users start
downloads at the same time from search.
It is now possible to download multiple files
simultaneously from the incoming folder, which
only needed one additional line! :)
This version should have been available some
time ago, but was delayed because of lacking
dev time.
I also tried to find a solution for the commit
script to work with bittorent folders.
I found no satisfying solution, but will
release a patch soon (in 2005) to allow this
(but decreasing reliability of the commit script).... read more

Posted by mwarning 2005-12-23

web-gmui-0.2.7s released


I have updated the single user version
to work with the newest MLD version 2.7.0.
The previous version number was dropped
because there were no single-user version
related changes.

btw.: for those who download this version before 17.12.05, I renewed the release because
I added a new feature and don't want to do more patches instead.

Posted by mwarning 2005-12-15

web-gmui-0.2.6 released


just another bugfix release.
The bug that crashed the commit script is fixed now. I was caused by files with (invalid) file size 0.

If you encounter any bugs,
report them please. - thx :)


Posted by mwarning 2005-10-17

web-gmui moving towards Java


as some already may noticed, the developers counter
has been doubled. Welcome sargue! :)

Those who carefully ready the forum may also noticed
that the project was looking for another programming language to cut down a lot of downsides of cgi scripts.
The main downsides are:
- single threaded (one http download per user)
- most client interfaces need persistent connections (that's
why we still use the telnet parser)
- OS dependence (shell commands for multiple tasks)... read more

Posted by mwarning 2005-08-15

web-gmui-0.2.5s released

This release keep Web-GMUI up-to-date with MLDonkey Core 2.6.0.
For more details check the ChangeLog.
Nothing special this time. ;)


Posted by mwarning 2005-07-31

web-gmui-0.2.5 released


Web-GMUI 0.2.5 was released.
It was tested and fixed to work with MLD 0.2.6, but wasn't
tested with other MLD versions, so please be careful.
Release Notes&ChangeLog:

have a nice week,

Posted by mwarning 2005-07-25

Compatibility with Core [updated]


because MLDonkey break compatibility with
Web-GMUI 2.4, here is a patch:
You need to change some lines in ./client/mldonkey/MLD_Download.php to fix this problem:

change line 188 from:
$this->name = trim($found[1]);
$this->name = $line;

change lines 191/192 from:
if(preg_match('/^([0-9A-F]{32})/i', $line, $found)) {
$this->hash = $found[1];
if(preg_match('/^(urn:[0-9a-z]*:)?([0-9A-Z]{32})/i', $line, $found)){
$this->hash = $found[2]; ... read more

Posted by mwarning 2005-07-13

web-gmui-0.2.4s released


it's time for a new single user version update.
The last version had some errors,
so I did some more testing this time.
There are two flavors available for this version:
english and german.

Check the Changelog for changes.
Tested with MLDonkey Core 2.5.30-15
See ./doc/INSTALL.txt for install instructions.

- Enjoy!


Posted by mwarning 2005-05-31

0.3.0-cvs in CVS


0.3.0-cvs is now available in CVS.
The code has a more clear structure now to
simplify development.
It is not for use yet, because most parts
are not yet finished/tested/working.
But if you want to help coding, contribute ideas
or just want to test it's usability, the CVS version
is worth a try.
Some feedback would be nice. :)

Some words on the changes:
- modularized structure
- additional PostgreSQL support
(the patch from ixen for 0.2.x was a great help)
- almost all ugly workarounds to update MLDonkey file
numbers are removed (see below)... read more

Posted by mwarning 2005-05-26

web-gmui-0.2.4 released

A new release!

Some minor bugs are fixed now, but the main reason is to
clear the CVS and move in the basement code for the 0.3.x.
Tested with MLDonkey Core 2.5.30-15.
For more information check the release notes and ChangeLog:


Posted by mwarning 2005-05-25

Compatibility: MLDonkey &gt;= 2.5.30-5


MLDonkey versions up from 2.5.30-5
are not compatible with Web-GMUI 0.2.3
because of telnet changes.
From MLD Changelog:
3904: Format "vd <num>" output in telnet to have md4 hashes back

The current CVS is compatible with these changes.

These news are a bit late as the changes to CVS were already done a few weeks ago (A mld dev informed me before he applied this patch, thx). :)... read more

Posted by mwarning 2005-05-07

Single User Version released


as already announced some time ago
I have created a single user version of Web-GMUI
without any multi user features.
No SQL Database is needed and there is
no login page (use .htaccess if you need login).
It is based on the current 0.2.3 code with some
minor cosmetic changes.

Posted by mwarning 2005-04-06

web-gmui-0.2.3 released


a new release to be up to date with CVS.
I hope the next release will include the new XML-based
interface to fix a lot of problems once for all time.
Check the release notes for update information.

The most interesting changes:

- polish translation, thanks to Ixen Gerthannes
- new (boring looking) aqua buttons, I had to replace them
because they are copyrighted, but they are still available
on the phpeselgui project page
- a lot of bug fixes

Posted by mwarning 2005-03-30

CVS upgrade warning

Because hash values are removed completely from telnet by the newest mldonkey patchpacks (I checked 2.5.30 so far) , older Web-GMUI versions (including older CVS checkouts) are not compatible any more. Affects are owner loss and a not working commit script.

Good news:
- a fix for this problem is in CVS that switches from hash values to file sizes to identify every download. It's a bad hack, I know. :|... read more

Posted by mwarning 2005-03-14

single user Web-GMUI


the Web-GMUI interface to mldonkey is now completely
separated from the other Web-GMUI parts.
I will release a single user version of
Web-GMUI soon because I think this is desired by many
mldonkey users and the main work would be done in less
than a hour to remove all multi user components.
Because the source code basement is
Web-GMUI, the package will be hosted
inside this project.
I would update this new package time by time
with the latest Web-GMUI code.... read more

Posted by mwarning 2005-01-31

web-gmui-0.2.2 released


I hope you will enjoy all new features and fixed bugs.
Thanks to everybody who contribute ideas and
find significant bugs or just give feedback.
Check out the Changelog for more details.


Posted by mwarning 2005-01-30

web-gmui-0.2.1 released

Hi everybody,

0.2.1 is released.
This release should fix the file owner assignment problem
which was caused when the mldonkey was restarted
and user admin was logged in.
The use of (semi-)persistant sockets was also removed because
it causes basic connection problems for some users.
The site for downloading links has a "parse quoted" field now to
turn on/off parsing of quoted links (usefull if you want to parse links with white spaces inside).

Posted by mwarning 2005-01-02

web-gmui-0.2.0 released


0.2.0 is out. Most bugs are fixed and a simple file upload is implemented.
The main reason for this release is the ongoing work for the next big release. There are some pre-infos in the forum. :)

Posted by mwarning 2004-11-27

Call for Bugs/Changes


I plan to release the 0.2 stable in a few days.
So, if you find a bug or have a suggestion
for some minor changes, please contact me
(by tracker, forum, e-mail ...).


btw: I opened a forum thread for last changes requests

Posted by mwarning 2004-11-14

web-gmui-0.2-rc4 released


because of recent bugs this release is not yet stable,
but should fix the very most of them.
Most interesting changes:

- spanish translation, thanks to Luis Miguens
(not yet for aqua buttons )
- the download from incoming should work better now

Posted by mwarning 2004-11-10

CVS available


CVS for web-gmui is available! It contains a lot of fixes.
If there were no more bugs, rc4-cvs will be first stable soon. :)

Posted by mwarning 2004-11-08