
webERP Accounting & Business Management / News: Recent posts

webERP v4.15.2 Released

Release Highlights

The highlights of this release are listed below.
For a full list of changes included in this release, please refer to


  • PDFPriceList.php: Alternating row shading.
  • New theme improvements, plus more rtl support (Thanks to Juergen Mueller)
  • StockUsageGraph.php: Show zero counts within period. (with a new system parameter to use this feature)
  • New Finnish Translation (Thanks to Pekka Viiliainen)... read more
Posted by Paul 2021-12-02

webERP 4.15.1 Released

Release Highlights

The highlights of this release are listed below.
For a full list of changes included in this release, please refer to


  • New GL journal templating system
  • Show a set of financial statements
  • Sales Report
  • Timesheets (along with Employee handling for this feature)
  • Default shipper for suppliers
  • Default GL for suppliers
  • Units column added to the work order print
  • New config option to allow shortcut menus to be disabled (as they can confuse some folks)... read more
Posted by Paul 2019-06-23

webERP 4.15 Released

Release Highlights

The highlights of this release are listed below.
For a full list of changes included in this release, please refer to


  • The webSHOP shopping cart application is now bundled with webERP
  • New script to graph a GL account
  • New period selection functions in various reports
  • Dismissible notification functionality added
  • Receipt image upload for petty cash expense claims
  • Dashboard navigation link added to menu
  • New script to change a salesman code: Z_ChangeSalesmanCode.php
  • Petty cash expense claims now accept the entry of tax... read more
Posted by Paul 2018-05-21

webERP Code repository moved to GitHub

The webERP code repository was recently moved to GitHub at
Ongoing issues with subversion had undermined confidence in the platform and the popularity of git among developers pompted the move.

Posted by Phil Daintree 2018-03-18

webERP 4.13 Released

webERP 4.13 (LAMP GNU-GPLv3 enterprise resource planning system) was released on Tuesday, May 31, 2016.

This new version has horizontal analysis of the statement of financial position and of the statement of comprehensive income. There is also new functionality to:
- grant access permissions to users by accounting GL account
- separate security tokens for prices and costs to cope with different situations
- multiple work orders total cost inquiry
- add invoice to goods received notes data mapping.
- Now you can view an accounting narrative and the balance in both currencies in daily bank transactions
- search a product based on the supplier's item code
- show the balance of each outstanding purchase order in selecting purchase orders
- allow a custom input of the supplier's delivery note during goods receiving
- allow a custom entry of the accounting narrative as well as the supplier's reference and text in suppliers payments
- add remarks when copying a bill of materials
- customer statements can now be emailed to a customer contact flagged as the receipient of the statement

There are also new translations to:
- Korean
- Syrian Arabic
- Hebrew
Othere languagaes were updated.
As usual enhancements to documentation and some bug fixes in particular the GL posting bug that occassionally caused an out of balance GL and required a repost to fix.

Posted by Phil Daintree 2016-06-12

webERP New Version 4.11.3

webERP is a full Enterprise Resource Planning system written in PHP so as to present a very easy load on any web-server and workable even over low bandwidth connections. An impressive array of advanced features are available including full double entry general ledger accounting, full MRP and supply chain management tools, multi-currency, multi-language, multi-inventory location, lot/serial number tracking inventory shipment costing, manufacturing, mutli-level BOMs etc.... read more

Posted by Phil Daintree 2014-02-09

webERP Release 4.11.2

webERP is a full Enterprise Resource Planning system written in PHP so as to present a very easy load on any web-server and workable even over low bandwidth connections. An impressive array of advanced features are available including full double entry general ledger accounting, full MRP and supply chain management tools, multi-currency, multi-language, multi-inventory location, lot/serial number tracking inventory shipment costing, manufacturing, mutli-level BOMs etc.... read more

Posted by Phil Daintree 2013-12-01

webERP New Release Version 4.11.0

webERP is a full Enterprise Resource Planning system written in PHP so as to present a very easy load on any web-server and workable even over low bandwidth connections. An impressive array of advanced features are available including full double entry general ledger accounting, full MRP and supply chain management tools, multi-currency, multi-language, multi-inventory location, lot/serial number tracking inventory shipment costing, manufacturing, mutli-level BOMs etc.... read more

Posted by Phil Daintree 2013-09-03

webERP now over 500,000 downloads

A significant milestone was reached last month, with the total number of downloads tipping over the half million. China, India and USA being the biggest downloaders of the system.

webERP is a complete web based accounting and business management system that requires only a web-browser and pdf reader to use. With the first release in late 2003 - it is now almost 10 years since it's first release. Whilst it was ahead of it's time as an entirely web-based application at the time - it is now well proven and accepted as the best model for the future of ERP systems. ... read more

Posted by Phil Daintree 2013-06-03

Release of version 4.10.0 webERP Accounting and Business Administration

webERP is a complete web based accounting and business management system that requires only a web-browser and pdf reader to use. It is a mature system with a wide range of features particularly suitable for distributed businesses in wholesale, distribution and manufacturing. A third party desktop POS now allows webERP to form the hub of a full retail management system.

Thanks for all the code and ideas contributed from:... read more

Posted by Phil Daintree 2013-01-27

webERP release 4.09

webERP is a complete web based accounting and business management system that requires only a web-browser and pdf reader to use. It is a mature system with a wide range of features particularly suitable for distributed businesses in wholesale, distribution and manufacturing. A third party desktop POS now allows webERP to form the hub of a full retail management system.

This release has a new css structure and all themes have been reworked to allow for a more modern look using css3. Two new themes wood and fluid have quite a different look and demonstrate what can be done with the new themeing.... read more

Posted by Phil Daintree 2012-10-06

webERP version 4.08 release

webERP is a mature multi-language ERP system with an extensive feature set including multi-currency, multi-inventory location, lot and serial number inventory.

This latest release contains incremental improvement in many areas. In particular the xml-rpc api has been extended with new methods to accommodate a third party POS .application.

Vitaliy Shevkunov has put extensive effort into XHTML standards compliance.... read more

Posted by Phil Daintree 2012-06-16

webERP New File Release Version 4.07

webERP is a complete web based accounting and business management system that requires only a web-browser and pdf reader to use. It has a wide range of features suitable for many businesses particularly distributed businesses in wholesale, distribution and manufacturing.

This release is a bug fix release following the 4.06 series which enabled locale specific number formatting based on the user's language selection. Quite a few bugs have been resolved with this release. Full details are available as always in the webERP/doc/change.log New developer Vitaly Shevkunov has done a lot of work to ensure xhtml compliance. We have some new API functions to easily create invoices, credit notes and customer receipts from external applications. Tim Schofield added his tendering system in also, so suppliers can login and submit tender for supply of products.

Posted by Phil Daintree 2012-02-11

webERP Release of 4.04.5

webERP is a mature, web-based, integrated accounting and business administration system.

This is a bug fix release in particular creating credit notes was not calculating tax correctly since changed code last year. Discount matrix calculations did not reduce discounts when quantities reduced.
Many scripts have been reworked for code consistency and xhtml compatibility.
Amounts are now formatted according to the number of decimal places set for the currency being displayed.... read more

Posted by Phil Daintree 2011-07-24

webERP Release 4.03

Version 4.03 of webERP

Now fully utf-8 compatible. Now reports can be created in any language using the utf-8 character set, the resultant pdf reports use Adobe CID fonts and the fonts that come with the Adobe Acrobat reader on client computers. This avoids the problem of large pdf downloads on the creation of reports as the alternative is to bundle the enormous utf-8 fonts with the reports.

Also, this release comes with an automated database upgrade system, so that database changes in later versions will be applied automatically on upgrade of the scripts. The upgrade system also allows automated upgrades of databases from versions as far back as 3.00... read more

Posted by Phil Daintree 2011-03-26

Release 4.03RC1

This release has the new fixed assets work and is a step change towards fully remerged with Tim Schofield's launchpad and other sourceforge project. A further release will be required to build Tim's upgrade mechanism into this project's code base.
There has been much work on the purchase order system mostly under the hood readability and efficiency imrpovement work - reducing round trips to the database and removing abstraction where possible to improve code readability. Now purchase order quantities are only ever stored in the units of measure of the business.... read more

Posted by Phil Daintree 2011-02-13

Kiswahili Translation

A kiswahili language translation of webERP is now available

Posted by Tim Schofield 2010-09-19

Albanian Translation

An Albanian language translation of webERP is now available

Posted by Tim Schofield 2010-09-19

webERP 3.11.4 released

New release of the stable branch with fix for the work order costing bug

Posted by Tim Schofield 2010-06-28

New stable release

The project announces the release of 3.11.2 the new stable release of webERP. Please see the change log for details

Posted by Tim Schofield 2010-01-16

New stable release of webERP

Today sees the release of version 3.11.1 of webERP. This is the new stable release of the 3,11 branch.
Please see the change log for details of all bug fixes

Posted by Tim Schofield 2009-11-23

webERP snapshot release

We have today released an svn snapshot release of webERP based on the latest svn code. This includes many new features from the 3.11 release and is the first step towards a 3.12 release.

Posted by Tim Schofield 2009-11-19

webERP 3.11 released

webERP version 3.11 is released today. This version contains many enhancements and new features. Most notably webERP now contains a fully featured MRP module, and many other enhancements to manufacturing functionality. Also enhancements to purchase order authorisation system, many bug fixes, and changes to ensure php 5.3 compatibility, and xhtml compatibility. See the change log for full details.

Posted by Tim Schofield 2009-08-31


There is now a second release candidate available from the download section of webERP.

Posted by Tim Schofield 2009-07-20

Updated installer and es_ES translation

We now have an updated installer in cvs, and updates and corrections to the es_ES translation

Posted by Tim Schofield 2009-07-16