
#88 Passwords cannot contain '$'


It appears that when students enter a password containing one or more '$' characters, when submitting via the Eclipse Electronic Submission plug-in, that authentication does not occur. We are now using LDAP, but encountered the same issue in previous semesters when Web-CAT generated its own passwords. When submitting no response is received from Web-CAT - not even an error message indicating that the password was incorrect.


  • Stephen H. Edwards

    Tony, this sounds like some kind of encoding issue when the credentials are fowarded as part of the HTTP request for making the submission. Can you take a look? Note that you may be able to recreate it on your development machine using a database-authenticated account with an appropriate password. You can log parameters coming into Web-CAT as part of the submission request to get more visibility of the failure if needed.

  • Stephen H. Edwards

    • assigned_to: nobody --> aallowat
    • labels: --> Eclipse/CxxTest