
Windows Drivers Template Library / News: Recent posts

Wdtl: Version 0.2.0 released

*** Changes in WDTL 0.2.0:

* PnP support for bus Physical Device Object (PDO) and for device Function Device Object (FDO) implemented.

* Add basic support for irps queue

* Redesigned Irp handlers macros (for custom point of view - added bHandled parameter)

* Added counting of outstanding IRPs

* Lots of small changes/bugfixes

Posted by Andrey Volkov 2003-03-24

Wdtl 0.1.1a released

After splitting projects tree, I release new version of wdtl, which included only wdtl and utils source tree.

Posted by Andrey Volkov 2002-12-02

WDTL projects tree revised

WDTL projects (formerly wdtl-full) tree now splitted to 2 subprojects: wdtl and wdtlwiz
Also wdtl-simple now depricated and removed.

Posted by Andrey Volkov 2002-12-02

Wdtlwiz 0.2 released

A new release of Wdtlwiz is now available. Wdtlwiz is a MS VisualStudio wizard, generating WDTL based Windows Kernel drivers. As usual, you could download it from

Posted by Andrey Volkov 2002-12-02

Windows Drivers Template Library (WDTL) v 0.1.0a released

First release of WDTL. You could download it from:

Posted by Andrey Volkov 2002-11-14