
Start WASTE minimized

  • Murz

    Murz - 2005-12-02

    Does WASTE have any command line options?
    I've starting WASTE for windows from autorun and at every start I need to manually hide it in the tray.
    If I set in the Shortcut "Open Minimized", there is no effect :(

    Have anybody any ideas?

    • Andreas

      Andreas - 2006-07-02

      I also want to start WASTE minimized. Someone an idea how?
      Setting in Shortcut to open Window minimized would only force it semi-minimized to taskbar, but it would not load into tray like antivirus tools or something.

      Would it be hard to include such an option, if it doesn't exist yet? (I can't code :()

    • Syst3m Crash3r 480

      I'd like to see this feature... :-)

    • JamesBean

      JamesBean - 2007-01-25

      I did with a short VBscript like this. Copy and Paste to an Editor, save as xxx.vbs and put it into the autorun directory.

      'Shell-Objekt initialisieren
      Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

      'WASTE starten
      WshShell.Run "C:Programme\WASTE\WASTE.exe"

      'Warteschleife, bis das Fenster "Passwort" erscheint
      While WshShell.AppActivate("WASTE : password") = FALSE
      Wscript.Sleep 1000

      'Passwort-Fenster zur Sicherheit nochmal aktivieren
      WshShell.AppActivate "WASTE : password"
      Wscript.Sleep 200

      'Tastenfolge zur Passworteingabe senden
      WshShell.SendKeys ("Your_Passwort")
      WshShell.SendKeys ("{ENTER}")

      'Warteschleife, bis das Fenster "WASTE" erscheint
      While WshShell.AppActivate("WASTE") = FALSE
      Wscript.Sleep 1000

      'WASTE-Fenster aktivieren
      WshShell.AppActivate "WASTE"
      Wscript.Sleep 200

      'Tastenfolge zum öffnen von Netzwerkstatus senden
      WshShell.SendKeys ("(%{N})")

      'Warteschleife, bis das Fenster "Netzwerkstatus" erscheint
      While WshShell.AppActivate("Network Status (network down) - WASTE") = FALSE
      Wscript.Sleep 1000

      'Netzwerkstatus-Fenster aktivieren
      WshShell.AppActivate "Network Status (network down) - WASTE"
      Wscript.Sleep 200

      'Tastenfolge zur Netzwerkeingabe senden
      WshShell.SendKeys ("Put IP or dyndny here")
      WshShell.SendKeys ("{ENTER}")

      'Alle Fenster minimieren
      Set shella = WScript.CreateObject ("Shell.Application")
      ' Fenster minimieren:


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