
Warlock released!

This is our last release before alpha, major progress has been made in many areas.
See our download page here:

New Capabilities:
- The Stormfront scripting language is now mostly implemented, we are looking for more feedback/bug reports.
- Most setttings stored on the server are now used (Macros, Highlight Strings/Names, Server Scripts, Preset colors, etc)
- Saving / Changing some preferences (Highlights Strings/Names) now work and go back to the server
- New visual looks for our bars and hands views
- OS X compatibility and binary has been added. We’re looking for dedicated OS X testers, so if you’re interested, stop by #warlock
- We’ve added scroll lock so you can now scroll up and not lose your place when new text appears in the game view

Known Bugs:
- New Characters do NOT work. (They must have been loaded into StormFront at least once)
- You cannot reconnect after being logged out or disconnected (you must restart Warlock)
- Tabbed Characters (multiple logins at once) are still in progress
- If you’re connected for a long time (about 2000 lines) scroll lock will fail to work at some point.

Random Notes:
- Our Stormfront XML and WSL scripting parsers are completely rewritten, increasing speed and reliability dramatically
- We’ve started on a status icons view, but they’re not included in this release due to lack of artwork.
- You can auto-login to a saved Character / Profile by using the command line argument “–profile”, i.e. “./warlock2 –profile MyCharacter”

Posted by William Lightning 2007-09-14

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