
[Linux] Cannot create new catalog [Arch Linux]

  • Hern0pa

    Hern0pa - 2017-04-01

    I used to be able to create catalogs just fine on Ubuntu, but I can't do it anymore on Arch Linux in VVV 1.3.0!

    Clicking on "New catalog" brings the GTK2 file chooser dialog, then I type a non-existing filename like "new_catalog", but then VVV brings a popups error saying "Catalog not found: /home/user/new_catalog.vvv".
    Clicking OK then freezes VVV, have to kill the program.

    If I select an existing empty file, it says "Unable to continue. You have choosen an existing file", which is to be expected.

    I don't see any error in std_err.
    This is on Antergos/Arch Linux 64 bits. Otherwise the program run just fine.
    Any idea?


    Last edit: Hern0pa 2017-04-01
    • Hern0pa

      Hern0pa - 2017-05-02

      I have solved the problem by "reinstalling" the program (essentially just inflating the binaries into a different directory).
      I suppose there's an issue with how the embedded firebird database holds its credentials for creating a new database or something.
      Spent 10 hours looking at the source code trying to figure out the problem. C++ is hard! :)

      • Hern0pa

        Hern0pa - 2017-05-02

        Nevermind, I know exactly what was the problem!
        I had copied my VVV setup from another workstation and the isc_init1, isc_lock1 and security2.fdb files (under the 'firebird' directory) where copied over as well.
        A new set of such files where generated on the new workstation and there must have been a conflict there.
        Edit: actually, it might have been because the symlinks to the bundled libraries where not copied properly either.

        I removed the entire ./firebird directory and replaced it with a vanilla one, and it works fine again now.
        Sorry for adding noise. Hope this helps someone else with this problem.


        Last edit: Hern0pa 2017-05-02

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