
vRules4j-Java Object Validation Engine / News: Recent posts

vRules4j-3.4.0-b20201110225127 was released

1. Added '-DvRules4j.springboot' to support springboot startup in runtime, for example: -DvRules4j.springboot=D:\springboot-app-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
2. Added '-DvRules4j.enableprint=false' arg in JVM to disable 'println()' and 'print()' functions' standard output.
3. Added '-DvRules4j.ruleFileModifiedBeatsCheckInterval=60' arg in JVM to specify rule rile modified beats checking interval, time unit is seconds.
4. Enhanced thread safety and performance
5. Upgraded log4j to slf4j
6. Upgrade to maven project
7. Refined encoding
8. Released V3.4.0

Posted by jordan.xue 2020-11-10

vRules4j-3.3.5-b201903311219AM was released

1. Added for println() printing management。
2. Improved performance
3. Released V3.3.5

Posted by jordan.xue 2019-05-27

vRules4j-3.3.4-b201712070941PM was ereleased

1. Enhanced rule's merging for multiple layer's extension
2. Enhanced #{} java expression parsing in error message
3. Released V3.3.4

Posted by jordan.xue 2018-01-07 was released

1. Refined ruleset parsing logic.
2. Fixed some urgent bugs.
3. Released V3.3.3

Posted by jordan.xue 2017-05-22 was released

1. Refined 'contexts' implementation, use 'name' as the unique key.
2. Released V3.3.2

Posted by jordan.xue 2017-04-19 was released

1. Refined 'extension' processing logic with rule override if rule id is the same.
2. Enhanced context logging in #{}
3. Released V3.3.1

Posted by jordan.xue 2017-02-05 was released

1. Added ruleset support, for example:
<ruleset desc="" id="Rule">
<rule desc="" id="binding">
2. Released V3.3.0

Posted by jordan.xue 2016-11-14 Labels: ruleset was released

1. Rule file defined in jar as resource can be supported.
eg, input file name can be "com/rules/validation.xml", it can be loaded from classpath or jar file as resource stream.
2. Enhanced the support of generic type for vRules4j-Digester tool.
3. Add "Object Binding" function with "enableBinding" flag. Create new instance if meet null Object node, so that to fill the null value for input object.
4. Enhanced the concurrence capacity in thread safety.
5. Release V3.2.0

Posted by jordan.xue 2016-04-30 Labels: latest version is released

1. extra classpath configuraiton supported by -DvRules4j.classpath, eg, -DvRules4j.classpath ="D:\myclasspath"
2. Optimized dynamic class loading performance.
3. Release V3.1.6

Posted by jordan.xue 2015-09-19

1. Fixed object instance assignment issue in context.
2. Fixed xml output encoding issue, always in UTF-8 format.
3. Release V3.1.2 version

Posted by jordan.xue 2013-05-17

vRules4j-3.1.1-b201301261129PM Released

1. Refined primitive support for context data.
2. java statement supported in errorMessage, e.g, #{"String value".toString()}
3. Release V3.1.1 version

Posted by jordan.xue 2013-01-26

vRules4j-3.1.0-b201212011156PM.z was released

1. Release V3.1.0 version

1. Added 'assertion' in global,support asertion logic switch.
2. Added vRules4j model,realized, String)

1. Change 'decisionObject' to 'decision'
2. Change 'outputBool' to 'boolParam'
3. Change 'globalConfig' to 'global'
4. Change 'javaBody' to 'java'
5. Refined classpath searching arithmetic
6. Some bug fixing

Posted by jordan.xue 2012-12-01

Latest released

1. Fixed JDK runtime compiling compatible issue.
2. Refined the release package structure
3. Have some detailed optimization
4. Changed rule element from "predicate" to "assert", also make sure old rules are still compatible
5. Released V3.0.4

Posted by jordan.xue 2012-10-29

Latest vRules4j-3.0.2-b20101024 released

Hot Deployment is the key.

In vRules4j-3.0.2-b20101024, fixed the Hot Deployment issue while the configuration file is changed.

No need restart the server to apply the updated rules.

1 Fixed Hot Deployment issue of rule configuration file updated.
2 Released v3.0.2 version

Posted by jordan.xue 2010-10-24

Latest vRules4j-3.0.1-b20101011 released

vRules4j-3.0.1-b20101011 is more stable build of vRules4j-3.0.1 version.

Posted by jordan.xue 2010-10-11

Latest vRules4j-3.0.1-b20101006 released

1. Modifid the decision-making model that can well support object cascade inherited decision-making scenario.
a. Super object's decision rule can not be sent back to child object any more, once it is triggered.
b. Super object always has high authority for decision making.
c. Child object can apply super rule of super object, but super object can not apply child's rules.
d. There is none restriction in the same object scope.
2. Released v3.0.1 official version.

Posted by jordan.xue 2010-10-06

Latest vRules4j-2.3.x is available

1. Realized included files can be automatically loaded if the referred file is updated.
2. Modified Java2vRules sequence generating issue.
3. Released v2.3.6 version.

1. Resolved the class name check duplicate names cause conflict.
2. Implemented the calibration object on the multi-interface support.
3. Release v2.3.4 version.

1. Refactored the array object aggregation logic verification, validation process achieved an array of objects associated with inter-object validation.
2. Refactored the Interface agent layer checksum to achieve.
3. Released v2.3.3 version.... read more

Posted by jordan.xue 2010-07-30

Latest release is available

Latest enhanced some feature points below:

1. Add the validate(java.util.Map <java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> objMap, java.lang.String fileName) services.
2. Add the validate(java.util.Map <java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> objMap, java.lang.String fileName, java.lang.Object errorObj) services.
3. The realization of a calibration run-time checking of multi-object contexted support.
4. Rule Configuration configuration <contexts/> added.
<context ClassName="" name=""/>
<context ClassName="" name=""/>
</ Contexts> ... read more

Posted by jordan.xue 2009-06-26

Latest vRules4j-2.1.1-b20090528 release is available...

vRules4j-2.1.1-b20090528 is the latest stable release package.

You can benefit more from vRules4j-2.1.1-b20090528.

Why not have a try riht now?

Posted by jordan.xue 2009-06-10

Download vRules4j-1.0.1

Download from here:

Posted by jordan.xue 2008-05-10

vRules4j-1.0.1 released

By the end of 2008-05-10, the vRules4j-1.0.1 version is available for launching.

vRules4j-1.0.1version is the first complete version that distributed under JDK1.4.x.

Please find more detailed information in the release package, as well as the sources codes.

Posted by jordan.xue 2008-05-10

download vRules-0.6.b2

From here

What is new?
1. vRules4j can be a separated component for both application and web container, such Tomcat and weblogic.
2. External libraries or classes can be imported by 'imports'.
3. Common methods can be declared for all rules usage.

Posted by jordan.xue 2008-01-15

vRuels4j-0.6.b2 released

What is new?

1. vRules4j can be a separated component for both application and web container, such Tomcat and weblogic.

2. External libraries or classes can be imported by 'imports'.

3. Common methods can be declared for all rules usage via 'methods'.

Posted by jordan.xue 2008-01-15