
Ctrl+i and Ctrl+o defaults

  • phaebz

    phaebz - 2013-07-30

    Dear Vrapper Users and Developers,

    first things first since this is my first post here: Thanks for the superb plugin! Makes me more productive and is a light-weight / arguably more integrated way of doing it the vim way than say eclim.

    Now to the actual issue: I was wondering how the Ctrl+i and Ctrl+o (forward and backward navigation history, respectively - according to documentation) are supposed to work out by default - that is if they were inteded to do so.

    I am asking this since Ctrl+i is "Correct Indentation" in e.g. Java and StatET context and Ctrl+o likewise is "Quick Outline" in the mentioned contexts. Do I need to change the "Default" Keybinding scheme? Am I missing something?

    Best Regards,

  • Kevin

    Kevin - 2013-07-30


    I'm glad you're enjoying vrapper!

    All Ctrl key bindings in vrapper only work if you first unbind them from Eclipse. Vrapper only receives key presses if Eclipse doesn't have an operation bound to that key.

    See the section on Ctrl keys here:

    Hope that helps,


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