
Voodoo Player / News: Recent posts

VP v1.0 build 211 is out

It's last release for v1.0, after few days I go to work on v2.0.

Posted by Vortex 2007-03-06

Development renewal

I thought about to start rewritting of VP(it will be v2.0), but before I need to fix some bugs in v1.0, so last release for v1.0 will be available soon, and after it I will begin work on v2.0.

Posted by Vortex 2007-03-03

Development is stopped

I see no reason to continue development of VP by following reasons:
1. It was my first project on Delphi. In process of development I have made many mistakes(general mistake is that I use DSPack, but I should build graph myself) in architecture of the player, as result the player need to total rewrite.
2. Project is need in designer. Good designer.
3. The work which you enjoy is work when you work on project with somebody else. Nikolay work with me just on two releases of VP, then he leave it.... read more

Posted by Vortex 2007-01-27

VP v1.0 RC1 build 208 is out

Changelog in binary archive.

Posted by Vortex 2007-01-15


Any ideas how to do timeline(timestamps over progressbar, example -

Posted by Vortex 2007-01-14

VP v1.0 RC1 build 206 is out


* - changed, ! - fixed.

* General: Code optimisations(~30kb executable size reduce). (Vortex)
* Playback: Brief movie information when movie is loaded. (Vortex)
* Playback: Mouse down + mouse move on progressbar = movie position changing. (Vortex)
! Playlist: If in playlist were two items, and you watching first item, player won't proceed to second item when previous item end. (Nikolay)

Posted by Vortex 2007-01-14

Final VP v1.0 RC 1 is out

Changelog available in binary, also in source packages.

Guys, please write to forum or email me about should I continue project, or not?

Posted by Vortex 2007-01-12

Pre-release #2 for VP RC1 build 200 is out

Latest source also has been uploaded to Download section, so don't download source code from SVN because there old version of source code.

Posted by Vortex 2007-01-11

Pre-release for VP RC1 build 200 is out

Follow to Download section.

Posted by Vortex 2006-12-31

Voodoo Player on SVN

Now you can download latest source code through SVN.

Posted by Vortex 2006-12-13

UI Designer

We need a designer who able to create user interface for Voodoo Player.

If you can help us, please write me:, or MSN -

Posted by Vortex 2006-12-12

Unstable dev-version of build 93(a.k.a Beta 2) is released

Well, my apologies about broken source code archive for build 90.

Changelog for PRE build 93:

+ Added |
* Changed|
! Fixed |

+ Text to show current volume/brightness/contrast/saturation percent and seek time over video. (Vortex) /* Thanks to "Pavia" for helping me figure out how to show the text over video. */
+ New option for Preferences->Keyboard settings: 'Increase/Decrease HUE'. (Vortex)
+ Unabling to load non-video files (dirty method used :-P). (Vortex)
* From now moving window in fullscreen mode is unable. (Vortex)
! Bug in system requirements checking. (Vortex)
! Typo in "On load file" group box. (Vortex) /* Thanks to "Colin" for reporting about this. */
! "Resize on movie bounds" was not calculate form caption and control panel height size to proper resize. (Nikolay)
! Problem with erasing of VP.xml on player shutdown. (Nikolay)... read more

Posted by Vortex 2006-12-08


Hi guys.

Well, first beta version of Voodoo Player(VP) is available, but there is some problems which I can't to resolve yet.

Build 90 contains following *bugs*:
1. Playlist:
1.1 Doesn't work "On playlist end" at preferences.
1.2 If movie is end, and playlist contains more than one movie - no switching to next movie in playlist.
1.3 Doesn't work "^" & "v" and "123"(which means "Sort").
1.4 Turn Playlist(P) on. Now go into fullscreen(enter), and come back. Result: Sub-panel with "+", "-", "del", "123" etc will disappear. Why - I don't know. You can look it at code: vp_ProgramActions.pas->procedure vpActions.ui_MaximizeApp(Sender: TObject);
1.5 When you move splitter sub-panel won't resize at all.... read more

Posted by Vortex 2006-12-07