
#1486 TightVNC Server Windows - Blank Screen when HDMI Monitor Off


Hi there,

I have found since changing monitors that TightVNC Server does not work when the monitor is switched Off.

This can be replicated with the latest version 2.8.23.

In the log I see these errors:

[12012/ 7656] 2019-09-29 12:53:52 ! Win8ScreenDriverImpl catch an recoverable error with reason: Catched WinDxRecoverableException: Can't AcquireNextFrame(), (887a0026)
[12012/22140] 2019-09-29 12:53:52 ! Win8ScreenDriverImpl has an invalid state. The invalid state can be a part of screen propery changes. An update signal will be generated as a screen size changed signal.

I found that UltraVNC does not have this issue.

What's the chance of a fix?



  • filbert

    filbert - 2020-03-20

    same here, same error messages. Any sign of a fix? I'm trying to run my PC headless.

    This is TightVNC version 2.8.27, Windows 10 Home, version 1909.

    RealVNC quote a fix of setting CaptureMethod to 1 but I can't find a similar option in TightVNC. There's thread at that seems related.

    Edit. Actually, not quite the same as I have the problem when no monitor is attached. Same error and, I assume, same reason as OC can't detect monitor.


    Last edit: filbert 2020-03-28
  • cla inno

    cla inno - 2020-03-28

    blank screen if monitor is swithed OFF

    with display port and Windows 10 Pro 1909
    TightVNC 2.8.27

  • filbert

    filbert - 2020-03-28

    In case it's useful to others, I have got round my problem (which is running my PC with no screen or keyboard) by using an HDMI 'dummy' plug. Only £5 on eBay.
    I tried UltraVNC and RealVNC but I had odd authentication issues that I didn't bother to try to resolve

  • efa

    efa - 2022-01-28

    using an hardware solution for a software trouble seems wrong


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