Bill Pedersen - 2014-09-13

Posted 13 Sept - Apologies for delay, been very busy with new job.

Next MONTHLY MONDAY conference call: Suspended
Next MONTHLY THURSDAY conference call: 18 Sep 2014 at 23:00 EDT

Upcoming conference call dates:

    suspended, reviewing other options, Wednesday 11:30 AM EDT/EST?
    18 September 2014
    16 October 2014

ALL conference calls will use the same conference call ID. The conference call code is: 3460779320

See 18 Apr 2013 discussion for telephone number list..


  • Community:

    • Ton van der Zwet
    • David Jones
    • Bill Pedersen
    • Jerry Eckert
    • John Malmberg
  • OpenVMS Engineering:

    • Mandar (only for a short time)
    • Sham
  • Prior HP Action items:

    • OpenJDK and JIT Compiler issue, still being reviewed. But has advanced to next level of process
    • Perl - waiting on release of tests HP has - moving forward
  • Community action items:

    • Bill to work getting new members more integrated - continuing
    • Bill to encourage Community to help with testing of new OpenVMS features
      • dmpipe() (rather than HP Engineering's global section pipe())

No new action items.

  • Bill continues to coordinate with volunteers and get them on track:

    • Michael Steve/Bernie Clarke - cURL working on getting compiles
    • David Hoelzer - Ticket Librarian, need to discuss how to restructure VMS-Ports tickets like GNV tickets
    • Mark Wickens - ncurses, configuring his rx2600 (just about ready)
    • Additional potential new members
      • Thomas Wolff (MinEd)
      • Kaushik Roy (still in discussions)
      • Roger Winnewisser (still in discussions)
  • Discussion on how to get better CRTL interfaces

    • wrappers are an inefficient and cumbersome solution given lack of many features
    • hooks? call-backs? replacement mechanism?
    • can something be done with logical names and search lists to have a mechanism of controlling the loading of the standard CRTL and the support needed for open source replacement routines
    • There is a discussion on VMS-Ports - PLEASE CONTRIBUTE!!!
    • Engineering to "evaluate"
    • Eric to review and comment
    • Need to schedule discussion to finally have a direction
    • How to implement? How transparent? How broad?
    • Discussion:
      * open
      * fnctl
      * ioctl
      * poll/select
      * RMS terminal IO versus QIO...
      * Open source community issues with opendir (and how OpenVMS does not like this)
      * file descriptors and file pointers and wrappers
      * how to register a hook?
      * at initiation
      * terminal / stdin / sys$input
      * alternate CRTL feature logical?
  • OpenVMS Boot Camp

    • Pre-Conference Seminar - "Modernizing OpenVMS..."
      * Using Open Source for customer projects on OpenVMS (Bill, Anders Johansson and others)
      * DropBox for OpenVMS (Bill)
      * Big Data, many other segments
      * Over 20 people registered
    • State of Open Source on OpenVMS community efforts
      * Over 100 people registered
  • GNV

    • bash 4.3.18 available for evaluation
    • gnu make continues slowly (Hg repository available)
      • AR support working
      • Recursive working
    • M4 and Bison porting
    • LD tools kit
      * enhancements
      * module specific command procedures
      * fix to control linking of shared images via logical names versus .OLB
      * removing gcc alias as this confuses many build procedures
      * deprecated many VMS specific items from cc wrapper
  • Python 3.x

    • effort continues
  • dmpipe

    • Community effort to integrate new global section pipe()
    • Mercurial repository on VMS-Ports
    • new versions of M4 and Bison implemented with dmpipe with fixes by Eric Robertson
    • Dave Jones waiting on road map from HP on future interface issues with CRTL
  • Porting Workshop discussion - Netherlands

    • No updates
  • PostgreSQL

    • Waiting on improvements to SSIO
    • Waiting on Engineering to investigate crashes - new crash sent early June...
  • SAMBA V4.x

    • WAF build environment
    • created, now in Files on VMS-Ports
    • logical name search list bug in CRTL not freeing channels - no updates
    • issues with Python headers not in expected place - exchanged messages with JFP
    • need some time to work on...
  • UNIX ODBC (Eric)

    • now has building
    • will work on get the rest of the tools to build
    • will then release when he has it building completely
  • cURL

    • cURL 7.36.0 building with minimal source changes
    • DCL build is very messy, reworking
    • set up as CMS and MMS projects
    • minor changes in directory structure
    • will use the cURL Discussion on VMS-Ports
  • OSU Web Server

    • Archives now hosted on VMS-Ports
    • Mercurial Repository available on VMS-Ports
  • Posix threads

    • No updates
  • Clam AV

    • No update
  • C compiler pointer type issues

    • fix hard coded 32 bit pointers makes pointer math a problem
    • opened ticket...
    • compiler prints warning - but the issue is wrong results
  • Fortran and 64bit pointers and P2 address space

    • initial fix as of 30 June
    • new compiler does now handle this issue, waiting on testing
    • some issues found in new compiler, reported to HP
  • Community Run-Time Library

    • a proposal by Mandar to help implement workarounds and features that are not implemented in HP CRTL or other RTLs this could leverage enhancements from Community
    • need to consider getting some of the recent workarounds into this
    • dmpipe() most likely initial entry
  • Porting Guide - now moved to WikiBooks

  • HP OpenVMS Engineering (Open Source)

    • CRTL
      • No updates
    • SSIO
      • No updates

Last edit: Bill Pedersen 2014-09-13