
vMovieDB / News: Recent posts

vMovieDB 0.1.5 released

This release of vMovieDB will be the last from 0.1.x series.

New features
- Ability to set an action to be preformed when movie list item recieves a double click.
- Show or hide movies listed under the adult tag.
- Search dialog improvements.

Translations & Documentation Updates
- Bulgarian translation is updated.
- Users manual is updated.

Bug fixes
- Search dialog popup menu finally works.
- Fixed bug concering the tooltips in the Movie Information Box.... read more

Posted by paskov 2006-09-25

vMovieDB 0.1.4 released

New features
- Movie tag categorization.
- Show only movies from this (Year, genre);
- Movie Information Box enchantments and slight redesing.
- Movie Image Viewer enchantments.
- Movie list colums are rearanged to a new more intuitive way.
- Users manual accessible trought the application Help
menu and avalilabel online at
- gConf schema file.

- Bulgarian traslation is updated.... read more

Posted by paskov 2006-08-24

Project will be back on track after a week.

My university semester ended sucessfully form me (6 of 8 exams were taken) so vMovieDB development will continue at full speed. Version 0.1.4 is half finished.

But first I will take, one week vacation and will travel around the seaside from Varna to where I want with my car :)

Posted by paskov 2006-07-15

vMovieDB 0.1.3 released

This version of vMovieDB introduce a lots of new features,
code cleanups,bug fixes and a new library called which holds the custom rating widget and the custom rating cell renderer.

New features
- now you can rate your movies.
- now you can gives comments for your movies.
- now you can view movie images in actual size using the movie image viewer.
- command line options to export to text or html document.
- Bulgarian translation.... read more

Posted by paskov 2006-06-19

vMovieDB 0.1.2 released

Nothing new in this release, some minor fixes. For more information see the ChangeLog.

Posted by paskov 2006-06-01

vMovieDB 0.1.1 released

vMovieDB v0.1.1 is here. Except code cleanups and some minor fixes the two most important features presented in this release are i18n (Internationalization) support and movie search.


Posted by paskov 2006-05-31

vMovieDB 0.1.0 released

The first version of vMovieDB - Movies collection manager is here. Check out project homepage ( for screenshots and features.

Posted by paskov 2006-05-18

New CVS module is availabe

New CVS module is available called vmoviedb_linux, it will replase the vmoviedb module wich is messed up.

Posted by paskov 2006-02-14

CVS is messed up!

Currently vMovieDB cvs repository is messed up. I accidently mixed up vmoviedb and vmoviedb_win32 modules. So please don't check out from CVS for some time.

I will send a support request to staff asking vmoviedb module to be removed. If that dosen't happen a new CVS module will be created.

Posted by paskov 2006-02-04

vMovieDB web site is up.

vMovieDB web site ( is up. Site is not fully operational right now but within couple of days will be. Currently only the welcome and screenshots pages are ready.

Check out the screenshots ( page for latest screenshots from vMovieDB.

Posted by paskov 2006-02-04

Screenshots form CVS.

Screenshots from vMovieDB (CVS) are availabe in projects screenshots section.

Posted by paskov 2005-12-10

CVS Upload.

Initial version of vMovieDB was uploaded in project CVS. This release have some part functionality and it's compillable.

Check for CVS updates regularry.

Posted by paskov 2005-12-05