
vMovieDB 0.1.4 released

New features
- Movie tag categorization.
- Show only movies from this (Year, genre);
- Movie Information Box enchantments and slight redesing.
- Movie Image Viewer enchantments.
- Movie list colums are rearanged to a new more intuitive way.
- Users manual accessible trought the application Help
menu and avalilabel online at
- gConf schema file.

- Bulgarian traslation is updated.

Bug fixes
- fixed bug where movies having spaces in their filenames
won't play.
- fixed bug where movie genre is always set to "N/A".
- fixed bug where movie rating is always set to maximum
when it isnt't changed during the movie editing process.

Code Cleanups
- Improved database parsing code, now the application shoud
preform well with large databases.
- New export functions.
- Now rating widget use text_aa[state] property to
colorize the stars. Rating box shadows are removed and
ratting background color is set to mach current
GTK+ 2.x theme background color.
- a lot's of small fixes and cleanups.

For compleate list of changes see the ChangeLog (

Posted by paskov 2006-08-24

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