
Block input for keyboard in raw mode

Bug Report
  • Jason

    Jason - 2018-01-07

    Not sure if this is a bug or not, but this is what is happening:
    Besides my typical keyboard, I've attached an additional usb numberpad that i want to assign to a vjoy controller. When I assign everything it seems to trigger the assigned joypad buttons correctly, but it ALSO triggers the origional keypad numbers. How would I have the it only trigger the vjoy buttons and not the actual keypad keys (this needs to be done in raw mode because I need to assign only the usb number pad device to use those controller buttons, since i'm using my keyboard numberpad in the application)

  • AyrA

    AyrA - 2018-01-07

    That's almost impossible to achieve. Regardless of how many keyboards you attach, Windows treats them as one device for most keyboard related events. vJoy would need to hook into the raw HID events which are difficult to work with.


    VIRTUAL - 2018-01-09

    There some problems to me.
    I already tried to write the RAW lock. This possible to make on C++ (not easy), but problematically on C#. Currently, I write on C#.

    Another way is use special driver HidGuardian: I not very well tested it. Be careful: if something will work incorrect then very possible you will lost all input devices (after restart OS). I plan to add HidGuardian in future updates (with support ViGEm), but not in near time.

  • Brimbault ludovic


    Last edit: Brimbault ludovic 2018-11-03

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