

Paulo Pinheiro

This wiki describes how to deploy a VisKo server. You can visit our homepage for a description of what VisKo is and how it can be used to automatically generate visualizations. If you have already installed VisKo and are interested in registering new services to your framework, please read about constructing your own VisKo Modules.

Software Level Components

VisKo github Components

The larger box labeled visko is the SourceForge repository you are currently at and the nested boxes refer to directories housed under the repo. The external boxes labeled visko-modules, visko-modules-rdf, and content-management-connectors are dependent SourceForge projects that must be downloaded before you install VisKo. The installation procedure below includes this downloading step.

Installation Procedure

We assume that you have assigned a local machine to host your VisKo server and that you have administrative or sudo access to this machine.

Step 1. Setup requirements (this step has four substeps)

Purpose of the step: install necessary supporting software (i.e., third party software) in the machine; copy the source code required to build the VisKo server from the Web and into the machine.

Step 2. Install Wrapping Services (this step has five substeps) {optional}

Purposes of the step: install some basic visualization toolkits that the VisKo server uses to demonstrate its capabilities; For VisKo, Wrapping services are applications that sit on top of the tools provided by the toolkits that expose these tools as web services. This step is optional because the VisKo server under installation can also be instructed to leverage services already installed on other VisKo services (this configuration is discussed later in the instructions).

Step 3. Generate VisKo RDF

Purpose of the Step: generate RDF that describes the capabilities of the Wrapping Services; this RDF is used by VisKo to generate visualization pipelines. The generated RDF can be stored either on GitHub, which is a public space on the web, or on a local content management system.

  • Option A: Generate and host VisKo RDF on GitHub

  • Option B: Generate and host VisKo RDF on local Content Management System (we currently support Alfresco, UTEP CI-Server and PNNL Velo).

Step 4. Building a Triple Store of VisKo RDF

Purpose of the Step: to build a SPARQL endpoint used by your VisKo server; the VisKo RDF will be consolidated into a Jena TDB triple store.

  • From the directory visko-repositories, navigate to the directory visko/installation-tools.

cd visko/installation-tools

  • Run the ant target build-triple-store

ant -buildfile build-installation-packages.xml build-triple-store

  • You should now have a new directory tdb located under visko-repositories/visko

Step 5. [Building and deploying your VisKo Server] ( (this step has seven substeps)

Step 6. Start interacting with your VisKo Server

If you installed the instance on a server locally listening at 8080 for example, point your browser to http://localhost:8080/visko-web/. UTEP's VisKo server can be found at

From the instance you will find a description about:

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