
#1 Desktop switch with application launch?



I don't know if this is a bug or a feature request....

I have Desktop Assignment enabled, so when I open my
browser, it goes to Desktop 3. However, the desktop
focus doesn't go with it; instead, the browser appears
and then disappears again, so that I have to hunt for
it by navigating to desktop 3.

Is it possible to switch desktops when opening a window
that is assigned to the non-current window? That way, I
can use assignment without having to cycle through the
desktops each time I open a new application.

Dean Redelinghuys


  • Johan Piculell

    Johan Piculell - 2006-07-22

    Logged In: YES

    This should be possible I think, and I would definetly call
    this a feature request because the current behaviour is the
    designed one. Let's see if we can incorporate this as an
    option in a future release.

  • Steven Phillips

    Steven Phillips - 2006-12-20

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    I think we may have fixed your issue in a different way, I think the main problem here is that when you first open the window it disappears before you can use it so you have to go and find it. For v3.0 The is a new 'Assign window immediately' option added to the Desktop State Handling section on the Misc page. If you disable this option then your browser window will remain on the current desk until you either dismiss the window (see the Hotkey section also on the Misc page) or you change desktops.

    I think this solution provides the most logical and understandable behaviour so Ihpefully this meets your needs. If so can we close this request?

  • Dean Redelinghuys

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: YES

    OK, so if I understand correctly, the window will appear wherever I am, but switch to its "assigned" desktop when I switch windows?

    If so, then that's perfect; it means I can launch an application, use it, and then it goes to its designated parking spot when I move/dismiss.

    Cool feature.

    + Dean

    BTW, is this why my Firefox window sometimes follows me to a different desktop?

  • Steven Phillips

    Steven Phillips - 2007-02-27

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    This is been added to the latest test version of VW (v3.0 test4), available from the main support page - this will be in the next major release.

    To configure VW to do this you must make the following setup changes:
    - On misc tab enable 'Assign window immediately'
    - On Expert tab change 'On hidden window activation' to 'Change to window's desktop'

    However a simpler alternative solution would be to disable the 'Assign window immediately' option and set the 'On hidden window activation' option to 'Copy window to current desktop'. By doing this the new browser window will remain on the current desk until you dismiss it or change desks at which point it is moved to the assigned desktop - I find this a more useful way of working.

  • Steven Phillips

    Steven Phillips - 2007-02-27
    • status: open --> closed

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