
Beginning VirtuaWin Development

Mina Adel
  • Mina Adel

    Mina Adel - 2012-12-08

    Hello Everybody,

    I use my pc as my TV, and use VirtuaWin to separate between the different content to make everything a bit more organized. I wanted to rest on my couch and use the pc from my android phone, but I've been unable to find a virtuawin app for android.

    So I thought I would write it. I just can't find any sort of tutorial or starting instructions for noobs on how to develop for VirtuaWin, could you give me some pointers ?

  • Johan Piculell

    Johan Piculell - 2012-12-08

    Interesting project.
    I guess what you first have to ask yourself is how you will communicate with VirtuaWin from your phone. For example running a simple web server on your PC then use HTTP between phone and server to communicate.
    Then passing commands from your web server to VirtuaWin should not be very hard, and I'm sure you can find a module that includes source that passes commands to VirtuaWin in a similar way you need to.



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