
#4 Incorrectly assigned hot keys (alt+shift+number)?



I'm having a problem where I cannot use alt gr + shift + number for my own use.

However, I have not bound alt+shift+number to any operation. So, I cannot understand why VDGS is blocking it.

I need to use Lithuanian keyboard layout as well as English. Alt gr changes what number key does. For example alt + shift + 1 results in "!". But when VDGS is running it changes to the desktop indicated with number.

The even weirder part is that if I use left alt + shift + number then the desktop are not being changed. Something is special about alt gr.

Attached the screenshot of my configuration. Looking at it I cannot find any reason why it would register alt+shift+number to switch desktops.

1 Attachments


  • Simon Liddington

    Hi Povilas,

    Sorry for taking so long to look into this for you. I have been able to reproduce this but only when I use a keyboard layout setting in windows that uses AltGr to modify keys.

    What I think is happening is that the "hotkey" is triggered as if ALT+CTRL were pressed as well as whatever other keys you pressed. e.g. AltGr+SHIFT+1 comes through as ALT+CTRL+SHIFT+1 which you have mapped to Move to desktop 1.

    The link below has information (actually for the reverse issue!) which may help but it may be simplest to change modifiers for VDGS so that AltGr translating to ALT+CTRL does not matter.

    Let me know what solution you choose as I am also considering switching to a different hotkey detection method so that you can use hotkey combinations that might already be assigned like the standard CTRL+WIN+arrow keys for switching windows - this other method may also help with your issue as it is a more raw / low-level method of detecting key presses.


  • Simon Liddington

    • status: open --> wont-fix

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