

Guilhem BONNEFILLE Rob Norris


Not In 1.2 or 1.3

Main Ideas

This is a collection of various ideas, that may go into 1.4 depending on various developers whims, as some items are much harder than others or have some kind of dependency to be fully useful.

  • Remove unnecessary 'Begin' Track tool, or maybe reassign it into 'Create Route'. **DONE">DONE**
  • Track/Route/Waypoint type control on GPS upload/download [DONE]
  • Specific track colour drawing property **DONE">DONE**
  • New track menu levels to keep menu size compact: [DONE]
    • Combine
    • Put merge operations here
    • Create join operation and put here
    • Split
    • Put split operations here
    • Add split at selected trackpoint (when a trackpoint is selected) operation
  • GPS Upload from any TrackWaypoint layer or individual track - i.e. what's the point of having a GPS layer except for real-time feed (extra complication for users) [DONE]
  • Confirm exit if something changed (but not zoom or view position) - any layer change needs to be tracked (Guyou's work on this topic)
  • Sort out Track draw by velocity mode [DONE]
  • Improve export feature with all file format supported by gpsbabel (related Feature request, commit adding similar import feature)
  • Add new Map type 'On Disk OSM Tile Format' - which loads maps from disk in OSM tile format dir/%d/%d/%d.png - [DONE]
    • Useful for those who can render tiles themselves
    • albeit renderers don't often pre-render tiles but makes more sense for limited areas (e.g. just your home city/county/country)
  • Add a graph to show gradients on a track - DONE
  • Enable method merge all segments of a track [DONE]
  • Enable removing track points with the same time (or handle them better) [DONE]
    • Some things (eg Every Trail) can generate tracks with points at the same time.
    • ATM moment this causes at least max speed and average speed calculations to go wrong.
  • Should handle GPX waypoint and track comments [DONE]
    • ATM only read/write GPX description ('desc') fields - need to handle 'cmt' fields too.
    • Need extend .vik file support, add extra layout on waypoint and track property dialogs - and which comment(s) to show on the layers panel tooltip
  • Keyboard F5 (as 'Refresh') to download the top most visible map new tiles - see SF#3567738 [DONE]
  • Option to only get missing tiles when autodownload is on (useful for low bandwidth connections). [DONE]
  • Get 'My OSM Traces' [DONE]
    • Enable get GPX data by id method (GET /api/0.6/gpx/<id>/data)
    • Enable getting the list of GPX ids for a user to then get each one by id
  • Allow multiple waypoints and tracks of the same name - see SF DONE {{gitcommit|10aa2b84d0a30270ee618057f6d67665177d3fc9}}
    • Store the name as a property of the item - rather than as the list hash key
    • This is required to make items properly contained and needed for Undo capability.


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