
#10 Two fixes and a tablesorter plugin


I've attached a patch with two fixes: 1) Changed gmstrftime to strftime to honor localized timezone settings. 2) Small table template fix (missing colspan). Also included a plugin which allows the user to sort tables, based on jQuery and the tablesorter plugin. PS: many thanks for writing this great tool, it made our dev team very happy and it's working great :)


  • Joost Schuttelaar

    Patch file

  • Heikki Hokkanen

    Heikki Hokkanen - 2012-01-19

    Hello Joost,

    Nice patches!

    Patch 1: rejected, gmstrftime is used with the assumption that international open source projects and teams prefer an international time instead of the local one. If people feel that this is a problem and should be configurable, then I guess an option could be added for it :)

    Patch 2: accepted, just modified the paths to be relative (some installations are not in the root)
    Patch 3: Sounds like GitHub ;) There's already doc/README, so skipped.
    Patch 4: accepted
    Patch 6: accepted

    Thank you for the patches and feedback, feel free to give more of both if necessary :)

  • Heikki Hokkanen

    Heikki Hokkanen - 2012-01-19
    • status: open --> closed-accepted
  • Joost Schuttelaar

    Cheers! Num. 3 shouldn't have been there, sorry! Using that locally for the project overview (80 repo's, oops!).

    I propose to do include patch 1, and then add a line to config.php: date_default_timezone_set('UTC'); Then it's easy for others to override in localconfig.php.

  • Joost Schuttelaar

    • status: closed-accepted --> open-accepted
  • Heikki Hokkanen

    Heikki Hokkanen - 2012-01-21

    I accepted that as well, and added a config item "timezone":

    commit 2ec6dad992bdf3db8445368b22858ca4f1f0db88
    Author: Heikki Hokkanen <>
    Date: Sat Jan 21 14:14:09 2012 +0200

    Set default timezone to UTC.

    But I'm not entirely happy with this change. The timezone is not visible anywhere, so it might lead into potential confusement. But I guess it's mostly useful for local teams, as I commented in the config. If anyone has feedback about this, I'm all ears.

    Thanks for all the patches Joost :)

  • Heikki Hokkanen

    Heikki Hokkanen - 2012-01-21
    • status: open-accepted --> closed-accepted
  • Joost Schuttelaar

    Perfect, thanks a lot!

  • Joost Schuttelaar

    • status: closed-accepted --> open-accepted
  • Joost Schuttelaar

    • status: open-accepted --> closed-accepted