
#483 Add emulated program's name to window title

User Interface

Please set the window title to reflect the name of the program / game that's being run.

For me it just shows VICE (c64) as a title (I'm using GTK based Linux build). Having a name of the run program reflected in the tile allows setting some custom window rules based on it.



  • Daniel Kahlin

    Daniel Kahlin - 2024-06-07

    How do you suggest the name to be display should be derived?

  • Shmerl

    Shmerl - 2024-06-07

    I'm not familiar with Vice or C64, but doesn't the program that run have some kind of active process name? If there is no way to query that, may be putting the loaded file name into the title could provide some kind of hookable info for the window compositor.

    To give a comparison, when dosbox runs some program, it gets the title somehow.


    Last edit: Shmerl 2024-06-07
  • compyx

    compyx - 2024-06-10

    There's no way to get the name of a loaded program in any reliable way, best we could do is show the last attached image (disk, tape, cart).
    But even that will be problematic with multi-disk games or programs that are used to load data from other sources (disks, tapes), e.g. what do we do when running Amica Paint from "amiga-paint.d64" and then attaching "cool-logos.d64" and loading a picture into Amica Paint from that? If we follow the last-attached-image rule, the window will now display "x64sc - cools-logos.d64" or something similar.

  • Shmerl

    Shmerl - 2024-06-10

    I see. And there is nothing inside the image that identifies it? I.e. no concept of process name?

  • Shmerl

    Shmerl - 2024-06-10

    As a crude alternative, you can simply give an option in Vice itself to set certain title suffix (as a command line parameter and in some UI field for example). This way one who runs it can set it explicitly and then hook window rules on that.

    So something like

    x64 ... --title 'foobar' ...

    And the title will be

    VICE (c64) [foobar]


    Last edit: Shmerl 2024-06-10

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