
#320 Allow CP/M Cartridge for C128 emulator

new Device (C128)


I requested the same Q earlier, but was declined.
So, why CP/M Cartridge for C128 emulator?
I was owner of SCPU128 and SCPU disables access to internal Z80.
I was searching for solution.

I tried with small hope to buy CP/M Cartridge with Z80.
Connected and was surprised and very happy:

When is SCPU128 turned on available are these options:
2 CPUs (in native and C64 mode): W65C816 and Z80 inside cartridge
In C64 mode runs CP/M 2.2

When is SCPU128 turned off or is not present (my current state) are available:
3 CPUs: MOS 8502 (in native and C64 mode), Z80 inside C128 (in native mode), Z80 inside cartridge (in native mode and C64 mode)
In native mode runs CP/M 3.0
In C64 mode runs CP/M 2.2

If you try decline it as duplicate or believe not, I'm able to create video.
If you don't believe emulators, ok, but Z64K and Kernal64 supporting CP/M Cartridge for C128.
Even - at SCPU info page is note which was addded for my own success - not by myself.
I want to ask Bil Herd 'cause his opinion is same like developers of VICE, so you all.
Bil maybe anytime will communicate with me and tries it by himself.

So, please don't decline it for duplicate and as not possible - I add all resources.


  • Ingo Korb

    Ingo Korb - 2018-12-14
    • labels: CP/M Cartridge, C128 --> CP/M Cartridge, C128, dupe
    • status: unread --> closed
  • Ingo Korb

    Ingo Korb - 2018-12-14

    Duplicate of feature requests #240, #250 and #282, one of which is still marked "open".

  • Harvy Ackermans

    Harvy Ackermans - 2019-06-24

    Does anyone know how to get the CP/M cartridge to work in VICE x64? I was able to enable it in the settings, but I don't know what to do from there?

  • Marco van den Heuvel

    Download a c64 cp/m bootdisk from

    insert the d64 in drive 8

    load the cpm loader from the disk (load"?*",8)

    and run it, it will load the c64 cp/m bios and eventually you will get the cp/m prompt.

    • Harvy Ackermans

      Harvy Ackermans - 2019-06-24

      That worked. Thank you very much.


    MIRKOSOFT - 2019-06-24

    Defacto CP/M Cartridge is Z80 CPU.
    You can use it to run CP/M 2.2 on C64 or C128 in C64 mode.
    Also, you can switch from/to Z80 CPU or 6502 CPU by simple way:
    POKE56832,0 ($DE00) for Z80
    POKE56832,1 for 6502
    or you can use also mirror at $DEFF (57087) for same switch.
    But remember - Z80 inside cartridge jumps at first switch to $1000 and there continues - and don't forget that Z80 see RAM $1000-$FFFF as $0000-$EFFF and $0000-$0FFF as $F000-$FFFF.


    • Harvy Ackermans

      Harvy Ackermans - 2019-06-24

      Thank you for the info.


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