
#282 SuperCPU128 emulation with CP/M cartridge - can be tester

new Emulator


I'm owner of SuperCPU128 and I'm using it with my Commodore 128DCR and CP/M Cartridge (normally for Commodore 64).
I want really to bring for Commodore 128 users emulator of SCPU128 - like C64 users have SCPU64 emulator.

I can test everything what you need and even you can try work SCPU128 & CP/M Cartridge together...
Sure you're asking: Why to use CP/M Cartridge for C128 - it has Z80 CPU?
Here's answer:
SCPU128 at power on takes control over all and really makes access to Z80 impossible - Z80 can be accessible only when is SCPU turned off.
So, I was asking how to solve Z80 if is SCPU turned on?
I tried to buy CP/M Cartridge. I did it and tested - success:
Now my system can work in these configs:
SCPU active: 65816 and Z80 (inside cartridge) CPUs available, possible to run also CP/M 2.2 in C64 mode
SCPU turned off: 8502 CPU, Z80 inside C128 and Z80 inside cartridge available - really 3 CPUs - in C128 mode can work also CP/M 3.0 and in C64 mode can work also CP/M 2.2
But Z80 is not only in CP/M - it is possible to use for X80 family ML programs.
...but back to SCPU128:
forces 20MHz, adds JiffyDOS, up to 16MB RAM for both modes - C128 and C64 - why can't have C128 user SCPU128 emulator? Even if I can help with testing.
BTW. I'm testing near each VICE Nightly Build from pokefinder - and know many bugs of C128 emulator.

Also to SCPU64 emulator - CP/M cartridge works with C64 and with C128 and even SCPU128 - why don't add CP/M cartridge emulation to xscpu64? And later in xscpu128?

If you're reading here, please reply what and how can I do for you to get it real...

Thank you.


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