
#262 Advanced fullscreen options for Commodore 128 emulator

x128 (4)
User Interface

Today I tried to run VICE x128 emulator in fullscreen mode. All was correct, possible is to set monitor, resolution and colordepth. Problem is that x128 has dual desktop.
I'm using my computer with 3 desktops = 3 displays. I have x128 configured to display VIC-IIe on one desktop and VDC on second, I have created keyboard shortcuts to exchange them and 'cause after VDC mode change or reset, window size is set to default I'm using own keystroke to restore them to last state.So, when I hit Alt+D it makes fullscreen only active window, I see also inactive and when I try ESC+X (swap display) it correctly switches to second. Problem is after reset - non-fullscreen window is visible but inactive - works not ESC+X, 40/80 Display key and also reset - it switches away, not to old visible window, but when I set by 40/80 key to fullscreen widow after reset power-on message appears correctly. Here it needs to write that fullscreen solves resizing windows problem.

So, how to solve this long time, I mean since x128 exists, problem?
My suggestion is here:
Add to Video settings one fullscreen device for VIC-IIe and one for VDC. For users with more than one display it is perfect, but what users with single desktop = one display?
Simple - both fullscreen devices allows to set only one display - add specially to x128 emulator keyboard shortcut to swap displays - simple switches visible window between VIC-IIe and VDC.
Both options can be used in single desktop systems and also dual desktop or more desktop systems.

At end of this ticket want to write:
Each VICE emulator (tested by me) works correctly with window size (not resizing at reset or mode change), please, do this correction also for x128. I know more bugs and many are much more important, but this ticket is about written above.

Very satisfied VICE user


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