
#256 Autostart ML programs again - read carefully!

new feature


This feature request was few months ago marked as invalid.
So - please read carefully!

Reason for cancelling this feature request was that is not possible to identify ML program and Basic program is possible to identify.
I'm using really Commodore 128DCR in all three modes + CP/M cartridge and Mega 65, I'm on a way to buy Plus/4 - so I'm using these VICE emulators: x128, x64sc, xplus4, xvic
When is Basic program loaded VICE is not able identify version and it makes the same like ML program - crash (by machine jump to MLM etc.) or executes nothing.
Yes there's option load to Basic start, but also happens same.
So, identifying Basic program is so hard like ML program.
My FReq suggestion:
use -autosys or -autostart-option 0/1 (or 2...5) option and at start read first 2 Bytes (in case SCPU maybe 3 Bytes (autostart-option 2) for program start.
Crashing of both ML or Basic is same risk, but it damages nothing,
In feature requests was cancelled also my ticket with C128 VDC screen color change to change only active part of screen - similar to VIC2E border, but not border... cancelling was why emulate what doesn't exist on real hardware? When I look at famous Commodore 64 and its VIC2 VICE also emulates not real feature - sprite-sprite and sprite-backgroud collisions possible to turn off... this is NOT real on hardware, so please don't tell me again "why" written above. VDC quazi "border" can be also selected like collisions, And in VICE Plus it was emulated so, but it's too old emulator. Everybody knows that VDC was used in only one Commodore computer - C128, only similar are CRTC...
And VDC settings have more options than TED options - but both needs more than have:
VDC - revision is available, VRAM is available, can be added quazi "border", needs for rev2 (8568) polarity of sync
TED - it's not only graphics controller - it features also sound etc - and this is in settings mising.

So, first before marking it invalid think about. These words are not famous but also not lies.



  • gpz

    gpz - 2019-08-23
    • status: open --> closed
  • gpz

    gpz - 2019-08-23

    dont open another ticket when it was already closed. srsly


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