
#255 Add emulation of datassette and tape port devices to xscpu64 too


Really I don't understand why is in xscpu64 at least tape port emulated not and it means that datassette not too. When you began emulate also other devices on tape port, I mean xscpu64 is missing them. I'm owner and user of Commodore 128 with SuperCPU128 and datassette and also CassAdapt working both correctly. Please add tape port with datassette and other emulated devices to xscpu64.
Thank you.


  • Marco van den Heuvel

    AFAIK the scpu cart cannot access the tape port devices.

    All important tape port lines go to the 6510 cpu port, which is not accessable from the 65816.

  • Greg King

    Greg King - 2016-05-15

    I think that Datasette programs can be run on SuperCPUs because:

    • The SuperCPU emulates the 6510's I/O port (I admit that I'm not certain about some of those lines).
    • The firmware can be switched between JiffyDOS (which doesn't have the driver) and Commodore's Kernal (which has the device driver).
    • The CPU's speed can be slowed to 1 MHz. -- if needed (the driver is interrupt-controlled).

    Last edit: Greg King 2016-05-15
  • Marco van den Heuvel

    emulating is nice, but it's the physical connection that matters, unless I'm mistaken the hardware lines from the tape port go directly to the cpu, not to the cartridge port.

    The 6510 cpu port is ONLY accessable by the 6510, whenever a different chip accesses $00/$01 (like the vicii or the reu, or any 'external' chip that can access memory itself) it will read/write to the RAM at that location, NOT the cpu port.

    So unless there is some kind of connection that is made between the scpu cart and the 6510 (extra wires) the 65816 cannot physically access the lines of the tape port.

    Please correct me if I'm wrong.


    MIRKOSOFT - 2016-05-15

    So, please explain me how can datassette and CassAdapt work in combination Commodore 128, SuperCPU128 and even C64 CP/M cartridge - btw: CP/M cartridge is Not emulated in x128 and xscpu64 - I own it and when I turn off SCPU my C128 has available 8502 and two Z80...when is SCPU turned on, available is Z80 in cartridge 'cause Z80 inside C128 is not accessible - three CP/M OSes working: 2.2 (64 mode always), 3.0 (128 mode if is SCPU off), CP/M65 (64 mode always)...
    So, here are facts of real hardware - I added also FReq for CP/M...

  • Marco van den Heuvel

    So you are telling me that when the 65816 is active, you can type load and 'press play on tape will appear' and when you press play it actually loads something ??

    If you have to switch the 65815 off and revert back to the 6510 in order to use anything on the tape port then you've proven my point, if you are able to get the 65816 (NOT the 6510) to access the tape port please check the lines from the tape port and how they wind up at the 65816, I would be very curious and confused.


    MIRKOSOFT - 2016-05-16

    Ok, finally - truth - I did control "to be sure" tests.
    I must to turn off SCPU.
    In case of emulation CP/M cartridge I'm 1000000% sure!
    I performed tests near whole week, I can share results, files and documentation of my tests - if you can't believe I made video capturing myself and C128 with SCPU128!

    Make feature request #250 CP/M cartridge real!

  • gpz

    gpz - 2016-05-16

    [quote]I must to turn off SCPU[/quote]
    yup you do. and the SCPU (when active) can not access tape port because of the reasons marco mentioned. so unless someone makes scpu part of x64(sc) - so it can be switched off - the scpu cant use the tape. because it cant. really.

  • Marco van den Heuvel

    • status: open --> closed-invalid
    • assigned_to: Marco van den Heuvel

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