
#250 CP/M Cartridge - add to x128 and xscpu64 - tested, works

new Device

Hi boys!
This feature request was cancelled as impossiblle combination. I didn't knew if create new ticket or add info to old, so for now:
x64 and x64sc have option to emulate CP/M cartridge, but I tested CP/M cartridge (yesterday arrived) with C128 and even with SCPU128, look at results:

C64 mode, SCPU off = CP/M 2.2 works
C64 mode, SCPU on, SCPU slow = CP/M 2.2 works
C64 mode, SCPU on, SCPU fast = CP/M 2.2 fails
C64 mode, SCPU off = CP/M 3.0 fails
C64 mode, SCPU on, SCPU slow = CP/M 3.0 fails
C64 mode, SCPU on, SCPU fast = CP/M 3.0 fails
C64 mode, SCPU off = Z80 works
C64 mode, SCPU on, SCPU slow = Z80 works
C64 mode, SCPU on, SCPU fast = Z80 works, timing at switch back fails
C128 mode, SCPU off = Z80 works
C128 mode, SCPU on, SCPU slow = Z80 works
C128 mode, SCPU on, SCPU fast = Z80 works, timing at switch back fails
C128 mode, SCPU off = CP/M 2.2 fails
C128 mode, SCPU on, SCPU slow = CP/M 2.2 fails
C128 mode, SCPU on, SCPU fast = CP/M 2.2 fails
C128 mode, SCPU off = CP/M 3.0 works
C128 mode, SCPU on, SCPU slow = CP/M 3.0 fails
C128 mode, SCPU on, SCPU fast = CP/M 3.0 fails

What these results giving us?
- C128 has without SCPU 3 CPUs: MOS 8502, Z80 inside C128, Z80 inside cartridge
- C128 has with SCPU 2 CPUs: WDC 65816 and Z80 inside cartridge
- in C64 mode are available without SCPU 2 CPUs: 8502 and Z80 inside cartridge
- in C64 mode with SCPU are available 2 CPUs: 65816 and Z80 inside cartridge
Real Commodore 64 is same as C64 mode only instead 8502 it has 6502
What it means?
C128 can work in both modes with code of these CPU families: X65, 65K and X80 - even C128 without SCPU has 2 Z80 CPUs!
C64 too... so I mean it will work with SCPU64 on C64 too.
CP/M 2.2 and CP/M 3.0 are at correct settings available for both modes or machines.

You can see, so please add CP/M cartridge to x128 and xscpu64, and if will be anytime emulated SCPU128...

Thank you for all.


  • Ingo Korb

    Ingo Korb - 2016-05-26
    • status: open --> closed-invalid
  • Ingo Korb

    Ingo Korb - 2016-05-26

    Duplicate of feature request #240


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