
#735 CP/M problems with new VICE revision (x64 and x128)

CP/M (3)

I tested CP/M 3.0 with x128 in VICE 2.4.26 revision 30930 to start CP/M 3.0.
Booting starts and near finish booting, before displaying UI, x128 hangs and non responding until I close x128 manually. I tested the same on VICE 2.4 x64 and works correctly.
Also tried CP/M 2.2 on x64 (same revision) to add to drive 9 second CP/M 2.2 disk and switch to drive B - reports bad sector. CP/M disk images are correct and disk drives are set to correct drive type.
Please fix this bugs.



  • tokra

    tokra - 2016-04-14

    Works for me, tried r30910, r31004 - attached C128 CP/M-image to x128, boots correctly. Tried another image with my CP/M-Tron-program. Works as well.


    MIRKOSOFT - 2016-04-14

    I tried attached files - boot CP/M hangs, tried to select drive B in CP/M 2.2 (x64sc) works - used revision 31004
    I found VICE version still working 2.4.1 CP/M 3.0

    So, CP/M 2.2 is solved, CP/M 3.0 needs fix.


  • tokra

    tokra - 2016-04-14

    I used the images attached in r31004 (fresh install) with no problem (WinVICE x128 CP/M 3.0), it definitely does NOT hang on boot. I get to the A> and can enter "dir", works as expected. If you use the same revision something must be wrong on your end.


    Last edit: tokra 2016-04-14

    MIRKOSOFT - 2016-04-14

    Ok, when I look at LOG file it looks crazy fatal!
    Look at rendering - in other ways x128 works


  • gpz

    gpz - 2016-04-15

    please start x128 with default config and try again, if that works (like tokra said) then the problem is your config


    MIRKOSOFT - 2016-04-15

    Really works. Please can you tell me where is mistake in my config from LOG?
    I don't want loose my C128 config...


  • gpz

    gpz - 2016-04-15

    the log doesnt help there - you'll have to enable one thing by one until it breaks. and then find out if the same setup would even work on real hardware :)

  • tokra

    tokra - 2016-04-15

    When reporting bugs you should ALWAYS try a fresh install with a fresh config first. Things change all the time and too many reports are just because of old revisions or using an old config. Learned this lesson myself a while back. Otherwise the bug-tracker gets spammed and time gets lost that could be used to fix other bugs. However, the best thing to get bugs fixed is to learn C, understand the VICE-code and fix them yourself. Anyway, this discussion does not really belong here.


    Last edit: tokra 2016-04-15

    MIRKOSOFT - 2016-04-15

    Ok Torsten.
    I'll try always default config when is something wron, thank you for lesson.
    For now it's hard to change config 'cause I'm using many variants with same config file, only command line options are changed in links, keyboard shortcuts and context menu.
    So, can you explain where is problem from this LOG file?

    Thank you very much!


    MIRKOSOFT - 2016-04-15

    OK, solved! I reconfigured myx128 and all works.
    Thank you for all.

  • gpz

    gpz - 2016-04-15
    • status: open --> closed-invalid

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