
#698 Command line -OPTION bug


After long time using prepared configs of VICE emulators, I tried to configure x64sc and xcbm5x0 and saved config to specified file.
I created shortcut with path to emulator, option and configuration path.
Configuration is never loaded, always are used default configs.
I saw this bug first time in build 30325.
Here's detail shortcut (like is):

"D:\Commodore\Commodore 128\VICE NEW\VICE\x64sc.exe" -config "D:\Commodore\Commodore 128\VICE NEW\CONFIGS\vice64scini"



  • gpz

    gpz - 2015-12-25

    please attach the config file you are trying to load, and the vice.log from a failed attempt


    MIRKOSOFT - 2015-12-25

    Used option is -config

  • gpz

    gpz - 2015-12-25

    it doesnt work here because of wrong paths for the ROMS in that ini - but it certainly is loaded.... please test again with a freshly saved ini


    MIRKOSOFT - 2015-12-25

    I did it same way except one: I copied dos2000 and dos4000 to drives folder and works.
    Then removed to check if it was problem - and not, really don't understand...
    Works with same paths, nothing changed only CMD-4000 is not enabled, there's 1581...
    FD-2000/4000 is old known problem of x128 - there are not running generally - computer only hangs, but it's long time ago reported bug.


  • gpz

    gpz - 2015-12-26

    so could you create an as small as possible vice-ini that does NOT work?

  • Greg King

    Greg King - 2015-12-26

    When a VICE emulator is started, it does not talk about the configuration file. If VICE sees something that it does not like, then it ignores the file; but, VICE says nothing about it. You must load that config. file (a second time) from inside VICE. Then, VICE will say why it does not like that file.

    Use "Settings -> Load settings from specified file". Exit from VICE; then, look near the bottom of the log file. You should see error messages about some resources in "vice64scini".


    Last edit: Greg King 2015-12-26
  • gpz

    gpz - 2015-12-26

    "but, VICE says nothing about it."
    thats not completely true btw - errors are printed to stdout... however in windows they dont end up in the logfile (because its not opened at that point, i guess)

  • gpz

    gpz - 2016-01-11


  • gpz

    gpz - 2016-03-31

    what about this? it should be fixed now - please retest!

  • gpz

    gpz - 2018-05-18
    • status: pending-fixed --> closed-fixed

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