
#2055 CIA1 timer A IRQ triggers faster on VICE than on real C64


(Using “x64sc.exe” from GTK3VICE-3.8-win64-r45202 under Windows 11)
(Possibly related to ticket #2502, and thus helpful for analyzing)

When triggering an CIA timer interrupt as fast as possible by setting the start value of timer A to $0000 and starting the timer, VICE will execute only one more opcode before jumping to the interrupt handler, while a real C64 (and "xscpu64.exe") executes two more opcodes.
This behaviour is reproducible by running the following routine with “x64sc.exe”:

          LDX #$FF   ; avoid VIC badlines
@A: CPX $D012
         BNE @A
         INX        ; X=$00
         STX $DC0E  ; halt timer A of CIA 1
         STX $DC05  ; set timer A start value to $0000
         STX $DC04
         LDX #$0E   ; let IRQ vector point to RTI opcode in Kernal ROM
         STX $0314
         LDX #$F0
         STX $0315
         LDA #$5B   ; character code 91 (cross)
         LDX #$19   ; start timer A of CIA 1
         STX $DC0E
         STA $0400  ; write character code 91 to first location of video RAM
         STA $0401  ; ... and to second location
         STA $0402  ; ... and to third location
         RTS        ; return to calling function

You can easily try this out by running the following BASIC program both with VICE and with the real hardware:

10 FOR N=0 TO 43:READ D:POKE 49152+N,D:NEXT
20 DATA162,255,236,18,208,208,251,232,142,14,220,142,5,220,142,4,220,162,14,142
30 DATA20,3,162,240,142,21,3,169,91,162,25,142,14,220
40 DATA141,0,4,141,1,4,141,2,4,96
40 SYS49152

On a real C64, two crosses (character code 91) will show up in the upper left corner of the screen.
With VICE, only one cross appears (see attached screenshot).

1 Attachments


  • Ingo Korb

    Ingo Korb - 2024-07-17

    Did you verify that VICE is configured to emulate the same CIA model that your real C64 has? IIRC they differ slightly in their interrupt timing.


    Last edit: Ingo Korb 2024-07-17
  • gpz

    gpz - 2024-07-17

    are you sure this isn't a difference caused by old vs new CIA?

  • gpz

    gpz - 2024-07-17


    x64sc -model c64 bug2055.prg ->two crosses
    x64sc -model c64c bug2055.prg -> one cross

    (c64 implies old cia here, c64c new cia)

    my c64c (with new cia) -> one cross

    so its all fine :)


    Last edit: gpz 2024-07-17
  • Dr. Stephan Pabst

    ... and my real C64 is the "classic" model - thus the corresponding VICE emulation behaves correctly.

  • Uffe Jakobsen

    Uffe Jakobsen - 2024-07-17

    Strange - pasting the basic program into x64sc gives me multiple crosses no matter what model I specify... I guess I must have missed some important detail here :-)

  • gpz

    gpz - 2024-07-17

    not using the original kernal perhaps? shrug

    • Uffe Jakobsen

      Uffe Jakobsen - 2024-07-17

      not using the original kernal perhaps?

      No - I was using the wrong basic test program from bug #2052 :-D

      • gpz

        gpz - 2024-07-17

        OOOPS :D

        ok closing here :)

  • gpz

    gpz - 2024-07-17
    • status: open --> closed-invalid
    • assigned_to: gpz
    • Category: --> CIA

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