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    Welcome to Open Discussion

    • olbeggaols

      olbeggaols - 2004-07-25

      Hello Alex,

      I have just checked out the latest and it really looks sharp! I only hope that we can somehow work this up to where it will be able to search UNICODE documents.

    • olbeggaols

      olbeggaols - 2004-07-25


      You might want to consider setting up the results page like this:

      #. Title (from meta tag)
      Description (from meta tag)
      Excerpts: (needs a little more description, and also I have found that eliminating words like "the" and "and" does not really help in that it makes the excerpt incomprehensible
      Path: (I don't know where you are getting this. Is this ATI specific?)

    • olbeggaols

      olbeggaols - 2004-07-25

      I just did a "phrase" search; once with quotes and once without. The search with quotes around the phrase produced correct results for the phrase, but the phrase was not "bolded" in the results; the phrase without quotes apparently treated (as it should) each word separately (boolian "or").

    • Alex

      Alex - 2004-07-28

      Yes, Unicode is on the list of TODOs. It's not required for the ATI, but I'd like to see it happen. As for the queries, check this out and see how Vicaya compares:

      PS - OlBegga, I happen to know you run on a PC. I've come across a problem that most often occurs under Windows in which the applet does not work at all. Are you find this to be the case?

      The problem is because Vicaya craps out on spaces in the path. Since most windows users have *Documents and Settings* in their path it manifests for most Windows users. This WILL be solved in the next public build.

      • olbeggaols

        olbeggaols - 2004-07-28

        Hello Alex,

        I am using W2K Pro. I see that the Path actually contains several entries with spaces and I have not had any problems with running the program at all.

        'Documents and Settings' is not actually a part of the path if I understand this correctly.

        I think maybe I do not understand the question. I understand "path" as being where Windows will look for an executable [RC My Computer>Properties>Advanced>Environmental Variables>Path]. Since this program executes from it's own directory and isn't something that some other program calls it shouldn't have anything to do with the 'path'. No?

        I can't think, actually, of how 'Documents and Settings' would get involved at all as this program is not 'installed'. There is no entry for Vicaya under D&S on my computer.


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