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The description in the initial comment is a little off, as
functions are always used. The issue is that some older OS
component packages use an in-line root function rather than
a root.ves model. For example, compare these two models:


Two years ago we changed the pkg2vesta to generate a
root.ves model rather than an in-line function, specifically
in this version:


We did this for two reasons:

1. A model is a small value regardless of how much stuff may
be in the directory it comes from. It carries with it a
reference back to the immutable directory in the repository
which allows it to get files and directories in the same
directory. In contrast, an in-line function which captures
values from its definition context can creates a much larger
value. Closures must carry with them everything they
capture from their definition context. In the case of these
in-line root functions, the values are proportional to
entire directory structure of the partial root filesystem
they provide.

2. Fine-grained secondary dependencies get recorded against
individual sub-values of values captured from the definition
context of a function. For example, if
./components/binutils/root is the root_func function from
binutils/ mentioned above (as it
typically would be in a std_env using that OS component), a
dependency recorded against /usr/bin/ld in a filesystem
generated with that function will be recorded as
./components/binutils/root/root/usr/bin/ld. Obviously in
some cases there can be many such dependencies. However,
there aren't very helpful as usually individual files in
such a partial filesystem aren't changed one at a time.
Instead an entire new version of the OS component is
imported. These fine-grained dependencies aren't really
worth their cost. Using a model cuts off these dependencies
and instead there's simply one dependency on the model

After we changed pkg2vesta we never went back and changed
all the packages which were generated with the old method.
I believe this is the definitive list of such versions which
need this update:


It's worth noting that these all seem to also pre-date the
changes in pkg2vesta/2 which created a branch for each OS
component version. Instead, each of the above are versions
(and thus immutable directories). We'll need to create a
branch for each with a separate name.