
Cmdline Dismount checks other drives also

  • Ad van den Broek

    I'm using Win10(64) and Veracrypt 1.25.9

    When I mount drive-Y and than dismount drive-Y ... everything is working fine.

    When I mount drive-X + open a file on the drive-X + I mount drive-Y
    and than I dismount drive-Y -using the GUI-, ... everything is working fine.

    When I mount drive-X + open a file on the drive-X + I mount drive-Y
    and than I dismount drive-Y -using the commandline parameters, like:
    "c:\program files\veracrypt\veracrypt.exe" /d /l Y
    an error is displayed that a file is still open and the question 'Force dismount?' pops up.
    But even a 'No' is sufficent to dismount the drive-Y.

    So when using the commandline parameters,
    when I want to dismount the drive-Y,
    also the open files from the other drives, like drive-X, are being checked, which is incorrect !

  • Enigma2Illusion

    Enigma2Illusion - 2023-07-23

    Remove the /L option from your command for dismount since the L switch is meant for mounting volumes.

    /letter or /l It must be followed by a parameter indicating the driver letter to mount the volume as. When /l is omitted and when /a is used, the first free drive letter is used.

    dismount or /d Dismount volume specified by drive letter (e.g., /d x). When no drive letter is specified, dismounts all currently mounted VeraCrypt volumes.

    I suspect that VeraCrypt should have produced an error for using /L switch in the dismount and instead ignored the /L Y which means the command executed was /D or dismount all.

    "c:\program files\veracrypt\veracrypt.exe" /d Y

    Last edit: Enigma2Illusion 2023-07-23
  • Ad van den Broek

    Tnx, you are right, removing the '/L'-parameter solved it !


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