
Can't Access Mounted Volumes

  • Shannon Gillenwater

    I'm a new user of VeraCrypt v1.21 on Win10Pro.

    I created a new encrypted container. I can mount it and the drive letter is allocated. However, I can't access it in Windows Explorer with the error "You don't currently have permission....."

    I tried creating another volume but same result. I'm using the default for all the options when creating the volume. Any suggestions on what to try?

  • Enigma2Illusion

    Enigma2Illusion - 2018-02-26

    First, you may need to set the permissions and ownership on the dismounted file container. Then mount the file container. Set the permissions and ownership of all the files within the file container.

    Different folders can have different permissions and ownership permissions for user accounts in Windows that are inherited when you place a file in that folder.

    Google search Windows permissions and ownership on files.

  • Shannon Gillenwater

    It's not a Windows issue of "permissions". It's a newly created container file that I own since I created it. I can't even "take ownership" with Windows of the mounted drive since the mounted drive in Windows doesn't even have the Security tab. Basically, the mounted drive isn't usable and valid. Not a permissions thing.


    Last edit: Shannon Gillenwater 2018-03-04
  • Andreas Boehlk

    Andreas Boehlk - 2018-03-07

    I assume your conclusions to be wrong. I personally did not meet such behaviour and I am sure that you have a serious problem with the permission system of your installation, because the function of taking ownership is a central point of the permission structure. So I advise you to contact the MS support. I fear they may advise you to reinstall your system.

  • Adrian Kentleton

    You have a bizarre problem, and like Andreas, I can't reproduce it. But it's worth investigating further. I assume you are running an Administrator account. Where are your unmounted volumes located?

    The mounted volume won't have a Security tab if you used default values, since it'll be formatted FAT. Have you tried creating a volume formatted NTFS? What happens then?

    Have you checked the permissions/ ownership situation of your unmounted volumes, using their Security tabs? Do you have full control/ownership? And do System and Administrators have full control, too? And, if not located in your userprofile folder, do Authenticated Users, and Users, appear in the Permissions list, with lesser privileges?

  • Shannon Gillenwater

    I did try formatting the container as FAT and NTFS with the same basic result. Except it just says Not Accessible/Access Denied with NTFS. When I take ownership nothing changes. Same result. Windows can't give me ownership or make any changes to security on it because it's simply an unusable drive.

    If I didn't have access/own the unmounted container, VeraCrypt couldn't open it with my password. I created the container with Veracrypt so I obviously own it.

    I do have an Admin account and it's not on a domain so no concerns about GPOs creating an issue. Just for the hell of it, I ran Veracrypt "as administrator" to create a volume and attempt to mount it. Same result.

    This is not a Windows permission issue.


    Last edit: Shannon Gillenwater 2018-03-07
  • Andreas Boehlk

    Andreas Boehlk - 2018-03-08

    This clearly says that there is a serious problem with permissions. This has nothing to do with VC but MS. Truly you should be the owner if you created it, but if performed elevated, then the owner is the admin. Subsequently only members of the administrator group have the permission to access. Sometimes this logic fails and no one has access. Then you have to take ownership. In case this fails, there is a chance with gpupdate /force.
    Good luck

  • Shannon Gillenwater

    You're incompetent and can't stop replying. Thanks.

  • Andreas Boehlk

    Andreas Boehlk - 2018-03-08

    You're welcome. Three experienced people diagnose a permission problem from your description, but of course You are right.
    So. have fun with it.!

  • David Hurst

    David Hurst - 2018-07-25

    I have a similar issue, except when I try to access the mounted VeraCrypt container (on a usb drive), Windows asks what app I want to use to open it. The container and drive are formatted in NTFS and I have jumped through all the hoops mentioned above to confirm I have ownership permissions. Running Win 10 Home, VeraCrypt 1.22

  • David Hurst

    David Hurst - 2018-07-25

    Never mind, solved on reboot for some reason. I did confirm that I had permissions on both the mounted and dismounted drive before rebooting. Maybe that helped. I have no idea. But I can access the container now.


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