
Can I run Partition Wizard on encrypted VeraCrypt System partition?

  • mike

    mike - 2019-06-06

    i have windows 10 installed on my laptop - encrypted system partition. now want to resize so I have another partition with more free space so the HIDDEN system option will became avalible if I am thinking right. Can I use MiniTool Partition Wizard on enrypted partition? It wont give me any problems?

    kind regarads

  • Kurt Fitzner

    Kurt Fitzner - 2019-06-06
    1. I do not recommend a VeraCrypt hidden operating system. Despite the claims made by others Its existance is not really all that hard to infer with normal tools and is easily proven with forensic hard drive analysis tools. Any circumstance where you would want to deny the pressence of a hidden encrypted partition will always be made worse if/when the antagonist discovers you have been lying about your denials. When the robber is pointing a gun at your head, is that really the time you want to say "no, I'm not wearing a mone belt under my clothes"?
    2. If you are determined to make one, I recommend you fully decrypt your existing system partition before trying to resize it and create the new partition.
    • Alex

      Alex - 2019-06-08

      In general agree but there is note.
      It is possible to hide hidden OS (even low level hdd tools) but it requires serious efforts and does not work from box. Idea is the same hide one activity inside other activity.


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