
Can I DEFRAG a Veracrypt mounted volume?

  • WRVC2016

    WRVC2016 - 2016-09-28

    Can I defrag a Veracrypt mounted volume? I remembered reading somewhere that it is NOT recommended for Truecrypt.

    Also, another question, I believe they recommend to avoid defragging partitions where the file containers resides on:

    Can someone help on both?



    Last edit: Mounir IDRASSI 2018-08-21
  • Enigma2Illusion

    Enigma2Illusion - 2016-09-28


    Can I use tools like chkdsk, Disk Defragmenter, etc. on the contents of a mounted VeraCrypt volume?

    Yes, VeraCrypt volumes behave like real physical disk devices, so it is possible to use any filesystem checking/repairing/defragmenting tools on the contents of a mounted VeraCrypt volume.

    You wrote:

    Also, another question, I believe they recommend to avoid defragging partitions where the file containers resides on:

    The first paragraph explains the security issue that can occur since old fragments of the file container would still exist allowing an adversary to possible gain access using the old password in the event you change the password, keyfiles and/or PIM.

    If that is not a concern, then defragment with the file container dismounted.


    Last edit: Mounir IDRASSI 2018-08-21
  • Jan

    Jan - 2016-09-30

    This is all correct, but in Windows 10 I was thrown off a bit by the fact that a (HD)partition based (non-system) volume had to be defragged from the command-line. cmd has to be started with admin privileges. Drive->properties->tools claimed that no optimising method is available for the mounted volume.
    Detail: I use an SSD (encrypted) for C: and all big stuf is on a 1TB HD with driveletter D:.
    After encryption (as H: instead of D:), I removed the original driveletter using diskmanagement (as has been explained elsewhere) and restored D: to the mounted volume.
    Defrag is running (from the commandline), but progress is nevertheless shown under explorer->Drive->properties->tools.
    I also ran a chkdsk, and this worked ok.
    So I am happy that, with some precautions (major OS-updates) and workaround (run defrag from cmdline), the whole setup works fine. Kudo's for Veracryot!


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