
Error while parsing command line in Windows 11

  • Christian Nielsen

    I'm trying to switch from Truecrypt and to Veracrypt but I'm having a problem. Normally I just click on my Truecrypt *.tc container om my desktop and it immediate opens Truecrypt but if I want Veracrypt to do the same I get "error while parsing command line" is there a workaround or is this a nogo in VeraCrypt ?

  • Christian Nielsen

    That's not my problem I'm running 1.25.9 so it should be able to run Truecrypt containers but my problem is when I Double clik on the TC container on my desktop and want Veracrypt to open it I get "error while parsing command line"

  • Enigma2Illusion

    Enigma2Illusion - 2024-08-21

    Windows associates the .hc file extension to the VeraCrypt application when you install VeraCrypt on the PC for file containers.

    In the password dialog box, you have to enable the box TrueCrypt Mode in order to mount a TrueCrypt volume in 1.25.9 or older versions.

    The best solution is to convert the TrueCrypt file container to VeraCrypt using the documentation below.

    To be upgrade compatible with 1.26 and newer versions, if your TrueCrypt is using HMAC-RIPEMD-160 hash (the PKCS-5 PRF), select a different hash in the lower section.

    After performing the conversion, rename the file container's extension from .tc to .hc.

    • Christian Nielsen

      Thanks maybe the problem is that I am running a portable version and not install. I have looked the forum trough and there is an orful lot of problems with Veracrypt and I have been running Truecrypt for at least 10 years on various windows and Linux platforms with no problems so I’m a bit nerves switching.

  • Enigma2Illusion

    Enigma2Illusion - 2024-08-25

    Regardless of TC or VC, you should already have backups of your data on another disk drive.

    If you value your data, always have frequent backups of your data due to possible hardware failure, software issues or user error which can cause loss of data and/or access to either the unencrypted drive or an encrypted disk, partition or file container.

    Which version of TrueCrypt did you create your file containers?

    VeraCrypt conversion only supports TrueCrypt volumes created with TrueCrypt 6.x or newer versions.

    According to Wikipedia, 6.0 was release on July 4, 2008.

  • Christian Nielsen

    Yes I have a few drives and a few containers all created in TrueCrypt 7.x and I have never had any issues. I have a container on my desktop with all my personal stuff and when I double click TrueCrypt opens and everything is fine but if I try "open with" VeraCrypt 1.25.9 I get "error while parsing command line".
    I maybe have a drive that is older but all my smaller containers I have renewed with TrueCrypt 7.1a.


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