
Incorrect password/PRF or not a valid volume

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  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2015-06-05

    Hi All
    We downloaded the latest "VeraCrypt 1.Of-2 Released by IDRIX on April 5, 2015" and installed it today.
    After encrypted an entire physical drive, we now cannot mount it. Got this error "Incorrect password/PRF or not a valid volume" when entering the password.
    Tried to do a "Restore volume header" but got the same error when entering the password.
    We are 100% sure that the password is correct.
    Just before the start of the encryption, there was a prompt that some programs were using the drive and Veracrypt has to bring it offline (or something like that), and we clicked yes to start the encryption.
    Can somebody advise? Thank you.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2015-06-05

    I have the same problem, only I'm not 100% sure of my password anymore and only know parts of it. Is there a way to recover the password if I know parts of it?

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2015-06-05

    We gave up on Veracrypt and decided to use Diskcrypto.

  • Mounir IDRASSI

    Mounir IDRASSI - 2015-06-09

    For those having the "wrong password" error, if you are using Auto-Mount, then you are certainly affected by Windows disabling automount.
    This has been reported before and the solution is described here:

    Basically, you will have to use the command diskpart to enable automount in Windows, restart Windows and then VeraCrypt Auto-Mount will work.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2015-07-03


    I have the same problem.
    I'm sure of my password

    When i selec my device i see
    Removable Disk with he size but I don't see "\device.....\Partition1"

    Where is the problem.

    My key worked beautifull this morning

  • Enigma2Illusion

    Enigma2Illusion - 2015-07-03

    What type of device? (USB external HDD, internal HDD, thumbdrive, etc)

    Are you using the latest version of VeraCrypt?

    When is the last time you successfully mounted this volume?

    Can you post a screenshots of the Windows Disk Management and VeraCrypt Select Device screens?

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2015-07-21

      same problem here today after 2 month without any problem mounting "Incorrect password/PRF or not a valid volume"

      so i guess there is an nasty bug...

      it is very unlikely that we all forgot the password which worked fine for month....or there is corruption at the same time on two or more different harddisks/devices

      win7 64-bit VeraCrypt 1.0f-2

      typing errors ? i copy/paste the password

      • Mounir IDRASSI

        Mounir IDRASSI - 2015-07-22

        I don't know if you were a user of TrueCrypt but you would recall that its forum was filled with similar reports.

        In computing, disk errors happen more ofter than you think and that's why the embedded backup key header was put in place.
        Also, the automount issue is something that is also causing this errors.

        I would suggest to you like to the others to follow the steps I always say:
        - try mounting using the embedded backup header
        - Check Windows Event Viewer for any error/warning events at the time you try to mount the volume
        - You machine maybe affected by the automount issue I already talked about here (probably after a windows update or an Antivirus update): Basically, you will have to use the command diskpart to enable automount in Windows, restart Windows and then VeraCrypt Auto-Mount will work.

        Please report back the results of these steps. Thanks.


        Last edit: Mounir IDRASSI 2015-07-22
  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2015-07-23

    after using VeraCrypt 1.0f-2 on windows 8.1 for 2 month,

    yesterday a have noticed the same problem.

    when trying to mount my 2 different volume ( one file and one usb key )

    it says : correct password/prf or not a valid volume

    i have tried to mount with the embedded backup volume: no change
    i have do the diskpart automount enable : no change

    i cant see any change on my pc.

    i have tried to reinstall veracrypt but no change.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2015-07-24

    J'ai essayé d'installer la nouvelle version Beta de veracrypt, mais rien ne change.

    Je suis 100% sur du mot de passe, c'est le même pour les 2 volumes ( le 1er est un fichier, le second est une clé usb utilisé entièrement)

    je reçois la même erreur pour les 2 volumes.

    avec la nouvelle beta ( 1.12 64bit )
    l'erreur est écrite comme suit :
    operation failed due to one or more of the following:
    incorrect password
    incorrect Volume PIM number
    Incorrect PRF (hash)
    No a valid volume.

    Source : MountVolume:6824


    Last edit: Anonymous 2016-09-05
    • Mounir IDRASSI

      Mounir IDRASSI - 2015-07-25

      I'll answer in French although the main language of the forum is English. The English translation can be found below:

      1. Avec quelle version vous avez crée vos 2 volumes?
      2. Est-ce que vous utilisez la détection automatique pour le PRF ou vous choisissez explicitement le bon PRF? Pour éviter toute erreur, laisser la sélection sur autodétection.
      3. Est-ce que vous utilisez seulement un mot de passe ou aussi un fichier clef? C'est quoi les caractéristique de votre mot de passe (longueur, composition...)?
      4. Est-ce que vous saisissez une valeur de PIM?
      5. Un autre utilisateur a suggéré de commencer d'abords par changer le mot de passe à une valeur simple (par exemple eeee) et ensuite essayer de monter le volume avec ce mot de passe simple. Est-ce que cela marche pour vous? Si oui, vous pouvez remettre un mot de passe complexe et essayer à nouveau.

      Merci de votre retour sur ces différents point.

      ----- English -------

      1. With which version did you create your two volumes?
      2. Do you use automatic detection for the PRF or do you explicitly choose the right PRF? To avoid errors, set PRF selection to auto-detection.
      3. Do you only use a password and you also have key file? What are the caractéristics of your password (length, composition,...)?
      4. Did you enter a value of PIM?
      5. Another user suggested to start by changing the password to a simple value (eg eeee) and then try to mount the volume with this simple password. Is it working for you? If so, you can set the password to a complex value and try again.

      Thank you in advance for your feedback on these points.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2015-07-26
    1. j'ai créé les 2 volumes le 9-04-2015 avec la version "VeraCrypt version 1.0f-2" fraîchement installé.
      depuis j'ai toujours utilisé avec "toutes les options par défaut" sans rien changer.

    2.4. Je ne touche ni au PRF ni au PIM, tout est en automatique.

    1. voici mon mon de passe : erf$erf$erf$1xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
      "27 caractères" "les x correspondent a des lettres minuscules"

    2. le changement de mot de passe ne fonctionne pas. j'ai essayé sur les 2 volumes.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2015-08-01

    finalement je ne trouve pas de solution donc je laisse tomber.

    tampis pour mes fichiers.

    Ma plus grosse erreur est d'avoir utilisé le même logiciel pour ma sauvegarde.



    Last edit: Anonymous 2018-02-01
  • Tadeh Derohanian

    i have tried everything above described and still getting error below and cant access my drive:
    Please advise

  • Stephan h

    Stephan h - 2017-10-04

    i have the same error ... no one can help us here ?

  • tiao quitino

    tiao quitino - 2017-10-14

    Please, I need to open my external hd. I have the password, but the error message that I put in the end appears. Everything worked very well 5 times. Then it suddenly stopped working. I have many important lessons in HD that I can not lose. Need help. God bless those who can help me, right now. Thank you.

    The error is: Operation failed due to one or more of the following:
    incorrect password
    incorrect volum pim number
    incorrect prf hash
    not a valide volume
    source: changepwd:529
    I followed this youtube lesson.

    The teacher taught to use these methods:
    Encryption Algorithm: AES



    Last edit: tiao quitino 2017-10-14
  • tiao quitino

    tiao quitino - 2017-10-14

    I remembered some more details that might help. When I use a Container it usually opens, using the same password I used on the HDs. If possible, create a diagnostic tool for Veracrypt. Thus, the person with the problems can send the results that the program finds for the program developer. It could also be created a program in which the person would enter the password and a key file would be generated to unlock the HD. Sincerely, Tiao.

    Note: I've used the Latest Stable Release - 1.21. And then I tried version 1.22-BETA3.
    Unfortunately, none of them worked.
    I only used those special characters:@#!& . The rest are letters and numbers.

    download sites:


    Last edit: tiao quitino 2017-10-14
  • Chris

    Chris - 2018-05-29

    We have exactly the same problem, using Veracrypt on OSX version 1.22 . It has been working fine for weeks and now it keeps coming up with the same error as other posters i.e. wrong password. We know that the password is correct.

    We can no longer gain access to very important and sensitive information. I can't beleieve this is such a common issue, I would have thought the encryption/decryption would have to be rock solid but this is rediculous. We may have well just deleted the data.

    This project should be clearly marked to users as unreliable and not for use in the real world.

  • soyutrox

    soyutrox - 2019-01-29

    Once I had also that problem. Luckily I saved the backup volume header in the past when everything was working and I was able to import the saved volume header. It worked again.

  • Zinc Oxide

    Zinc Oxide - 2019-03-08

    I believe I have also had the same problem as others in this thread. Until reading these I assumed I had just stupidly forgotten the new password soon after changing it, but now I highly doubt that. There seems possibly to be a pattern of issues when users change the volume's password without de- and re-encrypting.

    A few details:

    I don't use auto-mount, so that is not the issue/fix.

    I have tried decrypting with the option 'Use backup header embedded in volume if available' checked.

    I get the error with message Source: MountVolume:8299 [I'm not sure if the number is meaningful]

    I was using ver 1.17 when I changed the password. Now using latest.

    I do not have an external backup header.

  • Michael Remijan

    Michael Remijan - 2019-11-04

    I just encountered this problem as well.

    I tried the automount hack, that didn't seem to work.

    I kept trying and i eventually worked. It took three attempts after the automount hack, but, it eventually finally work. Not sure why it didn't work the previous 5-6 times I tried it.

    As stated in the conversation, I'm going to start looking for an alternative. I can't restart my computer not knowing if I'll need to spend an hour trying to mount my data.

  • jackyy

    jackyy - 2019-11-29

    I changed my password with Portable 1.23 and it was OK but now I can't access the volume and it is facing Error :
    The error is: Operation failed due to one or more of the following:
    incorrect password
    incorrect volum pim number
    incorrect prf hash
    not a valide volume
    source: changepwd:8299

  • Antonello

    Antonello - 2020-03-21

    Buongiorno. Stesso problema. Ver.1.24. stamattina improvvisamente non accetta la password o non riconosce il file come volume Vera Crypt. C'è tutto il lavoro dentro....nessuno che abbia risolto???
    Ho perso tutti i dati?
    La password é corretta.
    Non ho backup
    Non monta più il volume
    50gb di roba da buttare? Perduta?
    Ditemi cosa fare

  • Tony

    Tony - 2020-04-21

    I have several encrypted files with important info in them - just like the others...same error message...on ALL of them. I know what the passwords are. They worked fine on a previous version of veracrypt...notsomuch on the latest version. Are there legacy versions available that I could at least get in, decrypt and move the info OUT until a better solution can be found? This is ridiculous.

  • Enigma2Illusion

    Enigma2Illusion - 2020-04-21

    Current and previous versions are available at the link below.

    Did you convert file containers from TrueCrypt to VeraCrypt by changing the password?

    If yes, starting with 1.24 Release 2, the developer made a change to treat any file container with the "tc" file extension to automatically enable the "TrueCrypt Mode" in the mounting dialog box. Merely uncheck the "TrueCrypt Mode" in the mounting dialog box.

    With the file container unmounted, you can rename the file extension from "tc" to "hc" to avoid this problem.

    I suggested to the developer to revert this change since it causes confusion at the ticket below.

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