Martin Mokrejs - 2016-11-25

Hi Dan,
I run varScan twice on same mpileup iinput file. In somatic mode it works but in copynumber it chokes with:

Reading mpileup input...
Parsing Exception on line:
chr1    14143   C       0       *       *       0               

First of all, java should have exited with a non-zero return value. I started it with 'java -jar ... || exit 255'.

Second, I do not know where the number 8 comes from in the above output.

Below is the mpileup file content at about that line.

chr1    14140   G       0       *       *       1       .       @
chr1    14141   G       0       *       *       1       .       A
chr1    14142   G       0       *       *       1       .       A
chr1    14143   C       0       *       *       0
chr1    14144   C       0       *       *       1       .       ;
chr1    14145   A       0       *       *       1       .       @
chr1    14146   T       0       *       *       1       .       =

I see to remember from other threads there was an issue with zero coverage lines ... maybe still unfixed in copynumber mode?