
Windows XP support?

  • Euphen

    Euphen - 2003-07-07

    I found that VaporCD does not support Windows XP now? Any idea?

    • Lee Bowie

      Lee Bowie - 2003-12-15

      I running it on XP Pro and it works. What's not working?

    • Michael Hasenfratz

      I cannot see the mounted drives.
      It XP returns with "invalid funtion".

      • Lee Bowie

        Lee Bowie - 2006-01-25

        Often the drives won't appear in explorer. Open a command prompt and see if the iso is mounted to the drive letter you specified.

        • Michael Hasenfratz

          I did. And it reports "invalid function" when I do a DIR of the drive.

        • Michael Hasenfratz

          It responds with INCORRECT FUNCTION


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